What's going down my little bat buddies was asked by the gods of autoflowers oh yes thats right 420 FASTBUDS asked would I do I run of the new 2022 genetics to see how the normal guy like most of us would handle such a amazing line of next gen genetics. So I've taken on the challenge, and they was so cool enough to send me out the whole 2022 line to give them a shot. So first off BATMAN would like to give Heather from 420 fast buds a shout out just to let her know that she's loved and much appreciated she goes above and beyond to keep the grow community happy, I mean I always say that 420 are the way forward and it's because of what they do keeps me keen but. Heather just hit the ball out of the park so helpful just a all-round amazing person so BATMAN thanks you Heather personally your a absolute legend โค๏ธ โค๏ธ ๐ ๐ I hope i do you proud. so let's get cracking guys she soaked up enough water overnight and bam next day seed cracked so I gave her another 24 in a paper towel she went into her bed of soil nicely tucked ul neat and 2 days later she burst forth had to assist with seed shell removal but all is well this vital week of germinatin till them leaves open up enough for her to support herself and make the step into veg can't wait to see this little diamond get going
@Stonedsoldier, yeh man got that few we spoke about in the line up gna have to get them going before the summer is out and get a fee good crosses out. Pollen chucking for 2023 brah
Hey buddy. A new FB strain.1 off the ones I haven't started or have ๐. Just geimated 5 new FB strains today drop by if you want or get a chance. Good luck bro.
@gottagrowsometime, cool growmie me 2 just dropped 5 wierd huh hahahah yeh man thank you so much for the flurry of likes brah really helped out illnreturn the favour as soon as I finish work so 20 likes coming your way around tea time hahah
Can tell you now this absolutely did the job and more had the pleasure of visiting for the weekend and sampling this. Was whacked form Friday to Sunday and easily smoked this whole thing haha