your busy with a lot of plants! what outdoor weather station are you using? I am looking for one that logs data to itself or one that connects to a cell network. wondering which one you are using?
@XperencdGmanXG, it’s an Alberta weather network mostly for farmers (there are weird but useful indicators like corn growing days which seem directly applicable to cannabis). For Ontario you likely have to use the federal government networks like airports or other locations. Not as convenient for graphing, but high quality data. I use that at work when I need barometric data to adjust pressure readings…just an extra step of graphing in Excel. Cheers.
@XperencdGmanXG, yes, I’ve got lots going this year. The weather station data is from a provincial weather network. I just do screen shots from the website for the nearest station. If you don’t have a similar thing in your jurisdiction you could try airport weather data. Cheers.