So we are now at week 7, 5 days into 12/12.. d47 in total, yesterday was when I took the pictures for this but have just realised that they aren't very good ones so I will upload a few better ones later. This week I have put the 4 sativa Dom strains under a 600w hps to flower, and over the past couple of days growth has become noticeably increasing as she starts off the flowering stretch. This velvet bud as actually the widest out of all my current run, and has just started showing sex, she looks like she is going to have plenty of bud sites so am quite happy with how the little training I did worked out so far.. I will be monitoring her well she is in the stretch so that i can try an maintain an even canopy, i have done some light defoliation as you can see because she was rather bushy and still seems to be so will probably take a few more off soon, i will also be stripping off some lower growth to encourage more energy into her tops! I don't have anything negative to say though so hopefully she continues to progress well.