As previously mentioned, lots of missing time unfortunately so here is a quick run down:
Solo cup growth was a bit small but I let her live in it for 3 weeks before transplant.
Transplants went off without any issues, added some mycorrhizae to the roots of course. Watered in well with 10ml EM1, LAB
Added 2 gallons to the reservoirs week 4
Did a top dress on week 5 with the following ingredients, essentially a Coot's mix with some extras. (Google Clackamas Coot if you're curious)
1/3 cup kelp meal,lobster meal, malted barley, karanja cake
1/2 cup basalt,
1/3 cup gypsum, Oyster Shell flower, bokashi, All Purpose
4 cups seaweed compost / watered in with 1/3rd gallon water and 10ml EM1, LAB,
All trimming are put back on top of the soil to decompose.
Doing some actual training this time and decided to go with a Nebula manifold for 8 tops.
Over the next few weeks, the large fan leaves were cut off to give light to the new tops and used a scrog to spread out the branching. It has since been removed, but will be re-added in flower.
I have a CO2 meter now and I was thrilled to find it sits around 550 ambient which is more than enough for veg. Light has been set at a height to allow 700PPFD (using Photone app on Android to measure) until the flip, possibly this Sunday.
I'm using the same soil from my previous grow so the soil life has had time to thrive, worms have multiplied and the microscope shows a lot of good activity. She has some nice resin already and my hands are sticky/waxy after trimmings, Never had that before in veg and I'm looking forward to seeing some increased quality on the buds.
Buds should be tight .seeing the close nodes spaces.. I love when its like that.. Bit harder with da trimming i think.. Beautiful plant my friend enjoy
@JamMAKEcan, Indoors or outdoors. The more soil volume you have, the better. You can start reusing soil when you have enough and keep it moist at all times. Difficult to do with smaller 5-10 gallon pots as it's harder to keep at the right moisture level and tends to turn into a brick after your first grow. Also the worms will eventually turn everything into worm castings and you will lose balance. Ideally I would want a 3x3 bed, but I live in an apartment so if I ever had to move it, it would suck. Earthboxes have wheels so they're easier to move if needed.
@NSCanna,..well son of a bitch😅🤔🤔very interested.. Is it for outdoors only..soil is living uh 🤓🏆🏆🏆..
Thank you for explaining .. I will check it out sound very interesting
@GrandDaddyByrd, I have an OMAX 40X-2000X, it was around $250 CAN when I got it a few years ago. Does the job, and you can always add better lenses. These are the basics you need to look at soil/tea