These all flipped last week. I'll catch up with a. Update soon on what day everything happened. These were so young to flip. Younger than any other.
Blumat Tropt drip irrigation installed and being monitored for setup. May take a while.
Very happy and healthy plants in coco. Hope I can dial this in.
Stay tuned
That is sad that the doggy killed blueberry x cheese plant .. I had a heavy wind gust yesterday break a tomatoe vine and nasturtiums flower plant that was covered in flowers ..
@CroNiCGman,ahh rough season! Dog beat up on my 7 foot tall sun flower too that's still growing! Lucky it didn't do much she dug 1/4 of a 15 gallon pot up. Didn't effect it. Thankfully it was 1 day after transplant and still contained in the first media from the 5 gallon pot so she didn't damage any roots at all