July 9 Start of week 7, Will feed her water next time she is dry, She is starting to show some possible Nutrient burn and she is having a bit of Cal/mag issues but should be ok 75f/49h
July 10 feed her more Sensi Cal/Mag xtra and some Revive just in-case. 75f/54h
July 11 Water for her tonight if she needs it 7 gallon pot does not dry up to fast. 75f/54h
July 12 Decided to feed her again. She needs to get those buds fat and chunky. 74f/49h
July 13 Feed her water last night, She is starting to show some nice flowering sites 75f/46h
July 14 Will feed water again tonight and Cal/mag to avoid any issues like the other 2 growing. 76f/47h