
Windowsill attempt

Approved by Royal Queen Seeds
2 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 8
8 hrs
Light Schedule
7+ conditions after
Commented by
Hazeykushhash Hazeykushhash
2 years ago
All strains are proving to be fairly healthy and resilient. Excellent genetics, given the fact they're only getting about 8 hours of sun per day on a windowsill. Smell is getting stronger. Harvest can't come quick enough. Will invest in plagrons green sensation this week in the hope for fatter smellier buds 🤞
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MANIIAKSINDUBScommentedweek 03 years ago
Hey good luck gromie! You using any nutes? Or just water and sun? I did one on my window years ago I got under a half ounce
MANIIAKSINDUBScommented3 years ago
@Hazeykushhash, no word of a lie but legit sun power and tap water legit no maintenance what so ever I used biobizz all mix soil didn't fail me so stuck with it on my 1st proper grow
Hazeykushhashcommented3 years ago
@MANIIAKSINDUBS, Thanks very much man, much appreciated. If I get a half ounce each from the 4 of them I'll be happy. I will be using Cana tera veg and cana tera flores. Not sure when to start with the the nutrients. Did you use nutes on your window?
MrSeaturtlecommentedweek 23 years ago
Good luck man! They are looking well and healthy :). And you left some space in the pot to fill in case they stretch? My royal dwarf got quite big as well... Haha. My indoor plants had some issues with those flies as well. I bought these glue sticks/papers/traps that you stick in the pott. It doesn't kill the larvae, but it attracts the flies when they get out of the soil. It works really well for me and most of them are trapped hehe.
Hazeykushhashcommented3 years ago
@MrSeaturtle, Many thanks bro. So far I'm fairly happy. I actually didn't fill the pots fully cause I was just cautious if I had enough soil for all the pots 😂 . But that's a great point incase they do need a bit of extra support if they stretch. Yeah funny you say that about the dwarf. Probably gonna LST her anyway to keep her small and discreet. I'll definitely be investing in some of those yellow sticky traps for the flies though. A lot of recommendations for them. Thanks again 👍
Jamescommentedweek 03 years ago
Good luck!!
Hazeykushhashcommented3 years ago
@James, Much appreciated James 👍
homerjgangiacommentedweek 03 years ago
Good luck with your grow mate!💪💪
Hazeykushhashcommented3 years ago
@homerjgangia, Thanks very much bro 👍
Scandinaviacommentedweek 23 years ago
Looks good! :)
Hazeykushhashcommented3 years ago
@Scandinavia, Many thanks Scandinavia. I hope your grows are going well 🤞
MANIIAKSINDUBScommentedweek 13 years ago
Heyy looking good bro!!
Hazeykushhashcommented3 years ago
@MANIIAKSINDUBS, Many thanks pal. Will be starting plagron alga grow soon. Change of plan from canna terra vega and flores
Green_fiendcommentedweek 13 years ago
May the weed gods smile upon you good sir 😎😎😎🤜🤛
Hazeykushhashcommented3 years ago
@Green_fiend, thank you very much bro. Hail the weed gods 🙌
love_2_growcommentedweek 03 years ago
Happy Growing, Buddy! 🌱🌱🌱
Hazeykushhashcommented3 years ago
@love_2_grow, thank you very much bro 🤞
MANIIAKSINDUBScommentedweek 82 years ago
They are looking good bro, could maybe deffoling get more light to the bud sites but they are looking good bro
MANIIAKSINDUBScommented2 years ago
@Hazeykushhash, all good brother here to help if I can also if you want 2nd advice(much better advisor lol) hit up my guy BSG420 on here he will direct you in right path
Hazeykushhashcommented2 years ago
@MANIIAKSINDUBS, yeah I went for it and snipped the oldest looking fans and the ones that were too big and blocking light from buds. Plants don't seem stressed thankfully. I'll wait a week and see how it goes like you said bro. Thanks for the advice bro. I'll hit you up in dm with a few questions 👊
MANIIAKSINDUBScommented2 years ago
@Hazeykushhash, have a look at your plant bro, see what's getting covered and clip them my 1st time I clips 5/8 fans from mid and bottom gave her a week then clipped some more hit me up in the dm bro
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GreenOrganicGermanycommentedweek 23 years ago
Die kleinen Ladys schauen super aus 👌 Ich persönlich würde aber etwas gegen die Trauermücken unternehmen 😅 Die lästigen Insekten sind schädlich für Pflanzen, ihre Larven ernähren sich nämlich von jungen Wurzeln. Ganz junge Pflanzen können durch den Fraß sogar eingehen.
GreenOrganicGermanycommented3 years ago
@Hazeykushhash, Ich habe Tanlin gerade mal gegoogelt, das schaut ziemlich interessant aus 🤔 Ich habe vorher noch nicht davon gehört, im Zweifelsfall würde ich da eine Frage an die Gemeinschaft stellen, bestimmt hat schon jemand Erfahrung damit gemacht. Ich kaufe Nemathoden über Amazon. Die Firma heißt "Nemabest". Da kaufe ich die kleinste Einheit, kostet etwa 4 Euro. Da gibt es aber noch viele andere Anbieter
Hazeykushhashcommented3 years ago
@GreenOrganicGermany, Your advice is much appreciated my friend. Where could I get nematodes? I was thinking of getting some Tanlin drops and soaking it through the soil. Unfortunately I have to leave the plants on their own for a week while I head away so I'm not sure if I should soak em with tanlin drops before I go or leave em completely dry for the week and hope that sends the flies packing 🤔
GreenOrganicGermanycommented3 years ago
@Hazeykushhash, nichts zu danken, gerne doch ! Also mit Gelbtafeln hält man die Biester recht gut im Griff. Gerade auf der Fensterbank oder auch im Garten ist das ein ständiges Problem. Falls du sehr viele auf deiner Pflanze hast, kannst du sie mit einer Emulsion aus Wasser, Speiseöl und etwas Kernseife (oder Spülmittel) besprühen. Wenn der Befall stark ist, also deine Erde stark befallen ist hilft nichts besser als Nemathoden 👌 Die fressen die Larven der Trauermücken solange, bis keine mehr da sind 😁
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Blabinacommentedweek 102 years ago
I should try the dwarves again (my first grow) ...
Blabinacommented2 years ago
@Hazeykushhash, So a dwarf again I will grow 😇
Hazeykushhashcommented2 years ago
@Blabina, yeah the dwarf is a pleasure to grow. Its actually my tallest plant funny enough out of easy bud, quick one, green crack auto and royal dwarf ofcourse
MANIIAKSINDUBScommentedweek 52 years ago
Looking good bro
MANIIAKSINDUBScommented2 years ago
@Hazeykushhash, u wait till she explodes I'll love it, thank you for asking she's doing amazing I'm in the last stretch got about 3/4 week she's smelling amazing bulking up aswell
Hazeykushhashcommented2 years ago
@MANIIAKSINDUBS, Much appreciated bro. I'm surprised how well they're doing. Didn't expect such growth on the windowsill. Probably only getting between 6 and 8 hours of sun a day. How's your green crack coming along?
JamesBarrecommentedweek 112 years ago
J'ai hâte de voir le résultat de ta culture devant la fenêtre 👍👌
Hazeykushhashcommented2 years ago
@JamesBarre, Thanks very much James. I can't wait either. The waiting is killing me 😂
MANIIAKSINDUBScommentedweek 92 years ago
Yes bro they are looking banging you've done a good job, they will start bulking soon!
Hazeykushhashcommented2 years ago
@MANIIAKSINDUBS, thanks bro. I'm happy so far. Just hope I get the timing for harvest right 🤞
DreamITcommentedweek 33 years ago
Enjoy growth mate 🤘🦄
HNSC420commentedweek 142 years ago
got a question homie. How did you dry your buds?
MANIIAKSINDUBScommentedweek 122 years ago
Well done bro you've done a awesome job!!
MANIIAKSINDUBScommentedweek 142 years ago
We learn and implement it in our next grow! You did a sick job bro well done
Fast_Budscommentedweek 132 years ago
Hey there, Thanks so much for sharing this diary with us :) Hoping that the grow was a nice experience, and you enjoy the harvest Have a good one
GrowingGranniecommentedweek 112 years ago
Looking REALLY nice - those buds have some weight on them! Good luck the rest of the way!