Overnight she turned her colors... just water from here on out... prolly harvest this weekend... her sugary leaves are amazing and I want them before they turn! Gotta check trichs but I hurt my shoulder ugh. lol
@Lady_NugWitch,nice fast buds blackberry and mexican airlines were kick ass off the bat. just moved to a new house and now i am going to be running 2 4x4x7 with autos and photos will be online in a day or 2 they are on day 5 so waiting for 7 to start
@Lady_NugWitch,i did not that is awesome. google "auto green wild shark" top 15 pictures 9 are mine lol also if you google "fastbuds blackberry" they use my picture on number 12 https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiG6bz3-9ncAhWnct8KHcJwBFMQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2F2fast4buds.com%2Fnews%2Ffast-buds-autoflower-rap-battle-round-6&psig=AOvVaw1SZO7YZsBO91HEMT6Uk5Va&ust=1533697853341603
@Nomad, awwwe....thanks friend! It's still a sucky shoulder. Impingement they called it.. I need it to harvest! lol..
The buds are insane frosty goodness of sweet sugary slice of heaven! lol
@OutForReal, IKR!! I can't even get to the calyxes... I'm just gonna let her keep keeping on.. until every pistil is turned.. then I know she'll be ready to go.. crazy insane suga!
@ChefGreenThumbGardenofWeedin, I'm thinking another 2 weeks she hadn't even turned color yet on her pistils. I love her look tho! She smells super sweet.