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First Grow, 3 Plants [Auto]

2 years ago
3 years ago
Nutrients 1
Voodoo Juice - Advanced Nutrients
Voodoo Juice 2 mll
Note: Moisture and Temp readings done in mornings. Day 0 (seeds dropped), May 27 - Left lights on full over covered pots overnight. Labeled and planted 2 AK 1 North, turned lights halfway (~175-200W?), covered up pots with plastic. 💦: 50% - 🌡️: 29C Day 1 - Lights on half all day, bought small fan for tent and Voodoo Juice. Ran fan and vents for 13 minutes 830 AM, brought humidity down to 52%. (Seems like high humidity day) 💦: 67% (48-67)- 🌡️: 30C (29-32) Day 2 - Voodoo Juice shipped. 💦: 61% (52-69) - 🌡️: 31C (29-33) Day 3 - 1 northern and 1 AK sprouted. 3rd seed looks struggle. 10PM: Loosened Seed casing on third plant, looks somewhat healthy, should recover and stretch out overnight. Put tiny (quarter cap) cap full of Voodoo Juice around all seedlings and spritz with water bottle. 💦: 64% (48-71) - 🌡️: 33C (29-33) Day 4 - all seedlings look good. Monitor the heat of the tent. Heat has been high throughout the day (hovering 37C), with lower humidity (hovering 33-40) after opening tent to decrease the heat. 💦: 56% (41-77) - 🌡️: 34C (29-36) Day 5 - all seedlings look good, 2 staying to sprout 2nd set of leaves. Keep monitoring temp, pretty high since yesterday. 90+F degree days outside. 1230pm have 3 Plants first watering (1 liter each, 2ml voodoo juice), soil pretty dry up to the second knuckle of the index finger. Temperatures/humidity pretty good (39%/30C). Angled fan down to all seedlings, temperature dropping on the reader. Seedlings slightly blowing in wind (that's good for stem strength right!?) 💦: 39% (28-51) - 🌡️: 34C (31-37)
Used method
Directly In Substrate
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
3 years ago
5.03 cm
24 hrs
31 °C
No Smell
51 %
28 °C
8 L
0 L
48.26 cm
Nutrients 1
Voodoo Juice - Advanced Nutrients
Voodoo Juice 2 mll
Note: Moisture and Temp readings are done in the mornings. Lights are turned on most days 24 hours, Some days with excessive heat I turn the lights off for 8 hours. AK1- 2.2in (5.58 cm), AK2- 2in (5.08 cm), Noth- 1.7in (4.31 cm) Day 6 - Day after watering. 💦: 75% (35-76) - 🌡️: 28C (28-34) Day 7 (Jun 3) - low humidity readings in the humidity ranges is most likely from me opening tent. Got a soil moisture reader in mail. Afternoon Check: Possible wind burn on North (the 2 leaves look slightly clawed)? Moved fan back from plants and rearranged pots so wind can blow gently on plants so there's less flailing in the wind and more swaying. 💦: 66% (47-71) - 🌡️: 30C (27-31) Day 8 - turned fan off in the morning. plants looking like they're recovering? (Leaves not as curled anymore) 1 AK sprouting secondary leaves. Soil still moist in pots. Repositioned fan to blow over top of the pots, creates slight periodic breezes on seedlings. 💦: 55% (43-73) - 🌡️: 34C (27-33) Day 9 - Turned lights off for about 3 hours in the morning due to heat (34C). Temps dropped to 25C/31%. Returned lights to full power (~31C) 💦: 37% (30-73) - 🌡️: 32C (27-36) Day 10 - fan on 2 overnight to keep heat down. Still angled above plants so they get periodic breezes. Each seedling growing 4 sprouts 💦: 31% (28-65) - 🌡️: 35C (24-35) Day 11 - Soil moisture reader says soils are on the low end of the moist/high end dry. Putting a finger in soil up to the second knuckle had very dusty-like soil so I decided to give 2nd Waterings.💧(1.2 liters each /w voodoo juice (4.2 cups)) all plants developing 2nd nodes (8-10 leaves forming). Turned lights off for 8 hours 💦: 34% (30-64) - 🌡️: 31C (26-32) Day 12 - Plants seem healthy. Turned lights off for 8 hours. North seems to be struggling or just a slow grower. I think it's getting white spots??? It's the shortest plant, and darkest shade, and looks slightly droopy compared to tall AKs, at least it's starting to get stalky? 🤷‍♂️ Monitor closely next day. 💦: 62% (33-77) - 🌡️: 33C (26-33)
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Week 2. Vegetation
3 years ago
7.74 cm
24 hrs
31 °C
No Smell
51 %
28 °C
8 L
76 cm
Nutrients 1
Voodoo Juice - Advanced Nutrients
Voodoo Juice 2 mll
Note: Moisture and Temp readings are done in the mornings. Lights are turned on most days 24 hours, Some days with excessive heat I turn the lights off for 8 hours. Watering not done this week. AK1- 3.9in (9.9 cm), AK2- 3.25in (8.25 cm), Noth- 2in (5.08 cm) Day 13 (June 9) - humidifier coming in mail. Turned lights off for 8 hours. Afternoon: 82% / 27C during lights off 💦: 62% (38-72) - 🌡️: 33C (27-34) Day 14 - tested humidifier in tent. Not a good solution, need mini/remote version. 💦: 62% (39-72) - 🌡️: 33C (27-34) Day 15 - 💦: 51% (39-87) - 🌡️: 33C (27-34) Day 16 - 💦: 52% (33-54) - 🌡️: 31C (31-33) Day 17 - No measurements Day 18 - 💦: 51% (39-87) - 🌡️: 33C (27-34) Day 19 - 💦: 48% (39-69) - 🌡️: 31C (28-35)
Week 3. Vegetation
3 years ago
12.7 cm
24 hrs
31 °C
No Smell
51 %
26 °C
8 L
0 L
88.9 cm
Nutrients 1
Voodoo Juice - Advanced Nutrients
Voodoo Juice 4 mll
Note: Moisture and Temp readings are done in the mornings. Lights are turned on most days 24 hours, Some days with excessive heat I turn the lights off for 8 hours. 📏: AK1: 6 in (15.24 cm), AK2: 5.5 in (13.97 cm), North: 3.5 in (8.89 cm) Heights calculated from soil level to top of plant, since LST I can't get true heights anymore. Quick Summary: AK1 & AK2 look the healthiest but may be developing deficiencies based on leafs. North looks like it's struggling but no signs of dying other than dark(ening?) leaves. Plants are starting to come into their own. Producing a hint of ganja smell (except for North which still smells 'planty'). I'm taking steps this week to prepare to introduce nutes by next watering, depending on how North recovers I may not feed. I may have messed with North's grow path with the LST, stalk started forming concave shape along surface of soil, bottom leaves getting limited light and 1 leaf is starting to yellow (think due to lack of light). Also started germinating Lemon Balm to try and tame the eventual smell (wishful thinking?). Possible Issues with North: - Overwatering (doubt this since I water once a week so far) - Nitrogen Toxicity (most probable to me so far due to Ocean Forrest soil which contains nutrients, according to bag there's 0.3% Nitrogen included already. Plus leaves are dark as is the case with all 3 plants but North may be more sensitive?) - Too much Light? (I run lights 24/7 except on days with exceptional heat, usually above 31C. Read and watched previously plants may be darker than normal due to light schedule) - Nute deficiency (doubt this since soil is infused, also North does not have same leaf symptoms as AK1 & AK2) Possible Solutions for next week: - Start 18/6 light schedule - Use only water for North, Keep monitoring AK1 & AK2 for changes before introducing nutes next week. - Undo LST on North, Back to idle vegging / growth - Flush soil? (Fox Farms Ocean Forrest soil) Day 20 (June 16) -💧 2 liters each (4.1 cups), 4ml voodoo each. Water leaked out bottom of pots 💦: 51% (39-87) - 🌡️: 33C (27-34) Day 21 - Hooked air vent from AC to tent, temperatures normalized to around 30C. Ak1 & AK2 may need LST, AK2 leaf edges might be turning lighter/dryer on edges? Bought yard string and posts, introduced LST to all plants, seen new leaf sprouts underneath tops! 💦: 51% (38-65) - 🌡️: 30C (28-31) Day 22 - Be mindful of AC during cooler days. 💦: 42% (36-65) - 🌡️: 29C (23-32) Day 23 - North has 'conformed' (no immediate signs of stress and still trying to point upward to light) to LST but still not increasing in size. 💦: 40% (35-46) - 🌡️: 29C (26-29) Day 24 - 💦: 35% (34-37) - 🌡️: 29C (28-30) Day 25- 💦: 35% (34-41) - 🌡️: 29C (28-31) Day 26 - North still small. turned lights off for 8 hours, average readings 25C / 65-69%. The past several days the has tent been smelling a bit 'planty' with a sprinkle of ganja, so I prepped and began germinating Lemon Balm (germination can take 2 weeks minimum). Lights On: Some leaves on North turning darker green or purplish (read it could be due to cold shock, still monitoring for nitrogen toxicity. May flush by week's end). LST'd leaves away from grow sites so they're exposed to the light. 💦: 40% (31-48) - 🌡️: 31C (27-31) Day 27 (June 23) - Putting North on hospice watch for a week (strictly water, taking off LST ties, turning lights off for 6 hours/day for several days, still may flush). Still no visible signs of growth, yet height improved based on measurements. Both AKs have one leaf turning hard/yellowish at the tips, AK1 has another 1 leaf developing symptoms. Nutes arriving tomorrow 📨. 💦: 46% (42-74) - 🌡️: 29C (24-29)
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Used techniques
Week 4. Vegetation
3 years ago
22.43 cm
18 hrs
29 °C
No Smell
52 %
26 °C
8 L
0 L
88.9 cm
Nutrients 5
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 1 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.5 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 1.25 mll
Note: Moisture and Temp readings are done in the mornings. Lights are on an 18/6 schedule on most days. 📏: AK1: 9.5 in (24.13 cm), AK2: 9 in (22.86 cm), North: 8 in (20.32 cm) Quick Summary: All plants look healthier compared to last week, and grew a lot, plus they're giving my grow tent a nice tinge of ganja smell. Somewhere between day 30 and 32 I believe the plants were entering preflower. Last week I think the plants were stressed by off balanced pH water. I tested my tap water and turns out it's pretty alkaline (consistently above 7.5 pH daily, getting up to 8 pH), and after some testing it showed to become slightly more alkaline over time unless filtered through my Brita (...interesting). North looks slightly recovered, she was definately stressed possibly due to soil/water pH, it has slightly smaller leaves and small internode spacing towards the base (hence the short stature last week in comparison to AK1 & AK2). One leaf even grew out mutated. Throughout all the stress it endured it never wilted, and stood strong, so I'll continue growing the retard. AK1 & AK2 leaf symptoms haven't progressed but are starting to harden/crumble away at the tips where they had began yellowing. Day 28 - Nutes arrived today, no longer using Voodoo Juice until flower. 💧 Watered all with pH adjusted 1 liter. Ordering pH up/down Tap: 7.75 pH Adjusted with Concentrated Lemon Juice. North: 1 liter (5.5 pH) (Chose to give it more acidic water to 'shock' it 🤷‍♂️) AK1: 1 liter (6 pH) AK2: 1 liter (6 pH, 1 ml FloraBloom) (accidentally put too much, meant to put 0.5 ml, just to see how it responds to the nutes) 💦: 50% (42-74) - 🌡️: 29C (24-31) Day 29 - AK1 looks perky since watering. LSTd main trunk of AK1, trying to keep it from growing over sides of pots. 💦: 55% (41-69) - 🌡️: 27C (24-31) Day 30 - AK1 responded to LST (growing upward from where I tied it down). North slightly straightened upwards toward light, it's main stalk is less concave. AK2 looks healthy. New growth on all plants have a brighter green compared to darker leaves they usually have. 💦: 57% (40-64) - 🌡️: 29C (24-29) Day 31 - Pruned one of North's biggest fan leaves which was blocking most of the lower plant (lower leaves are still generally small and don't look how I'd expect), the leaf was mutated anyway. North soil still very moist but I notice it's drinking slowly. AK1 & AK2 soils drier than expected since last watering 3 days ago, watering today. 💧: Tap: pH 8+ Adjusted with pH Down AK1: 1 liter (6.5 pH) AK2: 1 liter (6.65 pH) 💦: 56% (39-69) - 🌡️: 28C (24-30) Day 32 - Plants still look relatively healthy, noticing growth on all plants, new growth less dark green. Humidity consistently 60+, Ran exhaust fan for a few hours. 💦: %50 (41-69) - 🌡️: 29C (25-30) Day 33 - Grow site branches are noticibly growing more thick and lengthy and pointing upward towards light. Lemon Balm started sprouting! 💦: 47% (39-69) - 🌡️: 29C (22-30) Day 34 (June 30, veg 4 post) Increased light brightess, lights on 24 hours. All plants new leaves are growing in brighter green than the older growth. Watering all plants today, North's soil finally dry enough to water again. Will introduce nutrients to all plants. AK1 and AK2 will get different doses to see reactions. Rotated all plants. 💧: Tap: 8.0 pH Adjusted with pH Down North: 1 liter (6.3 pH, 1 ml FloraBloom, 0.5 ml FloraGro, 0.25 FloraMicro, 0.5 CalMag) AK1: 1.5 liter (6.45 pH, 0.5 ml FloraBloom, 0.5 ml FloraGro, 0.5 ml FloraMicro) AK2: 1.5 liter (5.7 pH, 1 ml FloraBloom, 1 ml FloraGro, 1 ml FloraMicro) (the pH actually lower than I wanted but didnt feel like adjusting another liter) 💦: 49% (39-69) - 🌡️: 29C (22-30)
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Used techniques
Week 5. Vegetation
3 years ago
22.43 cm
18 hrs
30 °C
No Smell
50 %
26 °C
8 L
0 L
66 cm
Nutrients 6
Voodoo Juice - Advanced Nutrients
Voodoo Juice 1 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 1 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1.5 mll
Note: Moisture and Temp readings are done in the mornings. Lights are on an 18/6 schedule on most days unless specified. 📏: AK1: 13 in (33.02 cm), AK2: 16 in (40.64 cm), North: 13 in (33.02 cm) Quick Summary: Plants are on a growing and feeding spree this week. I think I haven't been feeding them enough nutes this week. AK1 & AK2 seem like they're falling apart. I suspect a Nitrogen deficiency since the yellowing started on the lower leaves and it's slowly working its way up the plants making the mid & upper leaves lose some of their dark green color, become flimsy, and somewhat transluscent. Several lower leaves are starting to yellow out dramatically and starting to crust at the edges. I decided to douse the plants with an extra, unscheduled, nute-filled watering and trying to use techniques to make the plants thirsty so they can drink up ASAP. Day 35 (Jul 1) - Rotated plants. Increased light brightness overnight, went from ~10k lux at canopy to ~35k lux. Hot day today. Lights On: All plants wilted possibly for lack of light. Forgot to turn on AC for several hours, temperatures raised a bit. 💦: 51% (35-60) - 🌡️: 29C (25-31) Day 36 - Some slight new growth on all plants. North has a new bud site. Decided on lower nutes dose on AK2 since I think it might build up salts fast with the frequency I'm watering and feeding, about every 3 days each at this point for AK1 & AK2. North not getting watered today, soil is only semi-dry so I'll give it another day or 2 to drink up. 💧: Tap: 8.2 pH Adjusted with pH Down AK1: 1.5 liter (6 pH, 0.5 ml FloraBloom, FloraGro, FloraMicro) AK2: 1.5 liter (6.25 pH, 0.5 ml FloraBloom, FloraGro, FloraMicro) 💦: 49% (34-74) - 🌡️: 31C (24-35) Day 37 - Noticing plants get droopy before lights out. AK2 recovers slower when lights on. Lights on: Plants heavily drooped, especially AK2. AK2 also drinking a bit slower compared to AK1 (AK1 soil is already almost dry!?), and AK2 leaves are showing some signs of stress? (Some leaves are appearing to lose their gloss? new growth not as 'sheeny' as existing leaves) 💦: 35% (33-72) - 🌡️: 29C (25-33) Day 38 - Lights on 24. Noticed AK2 preparing to sleep again (heavy drooping)? 🤷‍♂️ Around the same time lights usually go out, AK1 starting to show same pattern (drooping slightly). North seems like it's showing the same pattern too, but even less drooping. 💧: Tap: 8 pH Adjusted with pH Down AK1: 1 liter (6.5 pH, 1 ml FloraBloom, FloraGro, 0.5 FloraMicro, 0.5 CalMag) AK2: 1 liter (6.4 pH, 1 FloraGro, .25 FloraMicro, 0.5 FloraBloom, 0.5 CalMag) North: 1 liter (5.75 pH, 1 ml FloraBloom, 1 ml FloraGro, 0.5 FloraMicro, 0.75 CalMag) 💦: 41% (30-72) - 🌡️: 30C (25-33) Day 39 - North looks like it's a bit more advanced into pre-flower? Bud sites seem to have more of the white-hair like bud strings forming. AK1 & AK2 still growing taller and coming into their own. Several new bud sites appeared on all plants, some bud sites also appear to be forming mid-branch on some of the bud site leaf stems. 💦: 46% (30-72) - 🌡️: 32C (25-33) Day 40 - Lights on 24. No Measurements today (forgot). Removed lower leaves/stems on AK1 and AK2 that was yellowing out/crusting off; these leaves were the first to grow in from seedling and also had discolorations in previous weeks. I think this may be natural shedding, not related to nutes, rest of the plant looks healthy but keeping an eye on leaf color changes. I'm noticing some of the lower section leaves are becoming more translucent (preparing to yellow?) *Note*: Plants are thirsty! Almost 1 liter every 2 days. 💧: Tap: 8.2 pH Adjusted with Concentrated Lemon Juice AK1: 1.25 liter (6 pH, 1 ml FloraMicro, 1 ml CalMag) AK2: 1 liter (6.35 pH, 1 ml CalMag) North: 1 liter (6.3 pH, 1 ml FloraBloom, 1 ml FloraGro, 1 FloraMicro, 1 ml CalMag) Post Watering Note: Pay attention to leaves in 2 days, if yellowing continues I might be boosting nutes since I might've underfed. 💦: % () - 🌡️: C () Day 41 (Jul 7 [aka pre-flower]) - Light on 24. Gave a paranoid nute feeding last night as I noticed leaves getting worse and plant not bouncing back from yesterday's early morning drooping. Ironically, North looks the healthiest so far. Morning: AK1 & AK2 slightly perked up, leaves are still suspiciously light green / translucent. If I put my fingers under a leaf I can see the shadow of my fingers through the leaf. Think it might be a deficiency based on how fast it's progressing (literally over the course of yesterday a few leaves drastically changed color). I'm trying to induce the plants to drink a little more by dehumidying the tent, increasing the temperature, opening air vents so fresh air gets into the tent, turning fan down towards plant pots so air is circulating around the roots (leaves are still blowing in the wind). The idea is to dry the plants and tent out so it's 'forced' to drink itself back to health with the extra nutes I put in. 💧: Tap AK1: 0.5 liter(7.5pH, 1 ml FloraGro, 0.5 FloraMicro, 1.5 ml Voodoo Juice) AK2: 0.5 liter (7.5 pH, 1.5 ml Micro, 1 ml Gro, 1.5 ml Voodoo Juice) 💦: 47% (34-66) - 🌡️: 31C (24-33)
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Used techniques
Week 6. Vegetation
3 years ago
55.03 cm
18 hrs
29 °C
No Smell
55 %
25 °C
8 L
1 L
40.6 cm
Nutrients 6
Voodoo Juice - Advanced Nutrients
Voodoo Juice 1.5 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 2 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1.8 mll
Note: Moisture and Temp readings are done in the mornings. Lights are on an 18/6 schedule on most days. Unless stated otherwise. 📏: AK1: 22 in (55.88 cm), AK2: 26 in (66.04 cm), North: 17 in (43.18 cm) Quick Notes: At the beginning of the week I was tending to the AKs deficiencies, all plants received a lot of extra nutrients this week. I think it was related to being underfed or underwater. Midway through the week, they started to recover and grow taller. North is on the verge of flowering. I also lollipopped all plants to try and clear the lower region so it's easy to water and so the plants can focus growth on the important parts. Overall the AKs have been drinking up a storm (watering almost every day at this point), I'm trying to keep an eye out for overfeeding. I'm feeding every watering for now until I see issues pop up, then I'll slow down. Next week may be the week I start flower (guessing since these are autos). Day 42 (Jul 8) - Plants look the same as yesterday pretty much, AK1 & AK2 are doing less of the 'preparation droop'. The major yellow leaves are starting to crust off and it seems like the mid/upper leaves are not getting paler / translucent. Watering with a lot of Nutrients this morning. 💧: Tap: x pH (Forgot to measure tap) Adjusted with Concentrated Lemon Juice AK1: 1 liter (5.7 pH, 2.5 ml FloraMicro, 2 ml FloraGro, 1ml FloraBloom, 1.5 ml CalMag) AK2: 1 liter (6.1 pH, 2.5 ml FloraMicro, 2 ml FloraGro, 1ml FloraBloom, 1.5 ml CalMag) North: 1 liter (5.6 pH, 2 ml FloraMicro, 2 ml FloraGro, 1 ml FloraBloom, 1.5 ml CalMag) 💦: 41% (36-58) - 🌡️: 28C (25-34) Day 43 - Lights out overnight, starting 7 hrs from 130am. Lights on, AL1 & AK2 perky, surprised AK2 is perky. The yellowing seems to have slowed on both plants. AK2 developed salty spots on random leaves. *AK2 grew 4 inches in 2 days. 💦: 52% (36-65) - 🌡️: 28C (23-31) Day 44 - Lights 24 hours. Watering in the morning, pots are light and the soil is pretty dry. Giving a little less Nitrogen / Micro and more Bloom to North since she's clearly showing some white pistols (and it doesn't seem to be suffering from the same things as the AK's). 💧: Tap: 8.15 pH Adjusted with pH Down AK1: 1.5 liter (6.1 pH, 2.5 ml FloraMicro, 2 ml FloraGro, 1.5 ml FloraBloom, 1.5 ml CalMag, 1.5 ml Voodoo Juice) AK2: 1.5 liter (5.8 pH, 2 ml FloraMicro, 2 ml FloraGro, 1.5 ml FloraBloom, 1.5 ml CalMag, 1.5 ml Voodoo Juice) North: 1.5 liter (6 pH, 1.5 ml FloraMicro, 2 ml FloraGro, 2 ml FloraBloom, 1.5 ml CalMag, 1.5 ml Voodoo Juice) 💦: 41% (35-65) - 🌡️: 31C (23-31) Day 45 - Soil pretty dry, a little damp ¾ inch below surface. Got 3-in-1 pH / Light / Moisture reader in mail, pH is reading pretty alkaline soil (need to investigate, not sure if accurate). 💧: Tap: 7.10 pH Adjusted with pH Down AK1: 1.5 liter (7? pH [forgot to record the exact amount], 2 ml FloraMicro, 2 ml FloraGro, 1.5 ml FloraBloom, 1.5 ml CalMag) AK2: 1.5 liter (6.15 pH, 2 ml FloraMicro, 2 ml FloraGro, 1.5 ml FloraBloom, 1.5 ml CalMag) North: 1.5 liter (6.15 pH, 1.5 ml FloraMicro, 2 ml FloraGro, 2 ml FloraBloom, 2 ml CalMag) 💦: x% (34-37) - 🌡️: xC (28-30) Day 46 - Lights off overnight (9 hrs), with exhaust fan on so watered pots don't humidity tent. Plants look relatively fine, North's bud sites are developing (think I see 2 new sites). Placed Oscillating fan in tent for more circulation, average temps decreased overall. 💦: 62% (34-34) - 🌡️: 24C (23-31) Day 47 - Lights off overnight (~9 hrs). Spent some time Lolipopping the plants, then watered. *North soil wasn't completely dry yet. 💧: Tap: 7.30 pH Adjusted with pH Down AK1: 1.5 liter (5.9 pH, 2 ml FloraMicro, 2 ml FloraGro, 1.5 ml FloraBloom, 2 ml CalMag, 1.5 ml Voodoo Juice) 875 PPM AK2: 1.5 liter (5.75 pH, 2 ml FloraMicro, 2 ml FloraGro, 1.5 ml FloraBloom, 2 ml CalMag, 1.5 ml Voodoo Juice) 1050 PPM North: 1.5 liter (6? pH, 1 ml FloraMicro, 2 ml FloraGro, 2 ml FloraBloom, 2 ml CalMag, 2 ml Voodoo Juice) 💦: 54% (40-64) - 🌡️: 27C (23-29) Day 48 (Jul 14) - Lights dimmed overnight. Not watering North since the soil is still moister than the AKs. AK soils are not completely dry. All plants are beginning to flower, especially North so I'm lowering FloraMicro for now to see the response and upping FloraBloom. 💧: Tap: 7.60 pH Not adjusted AK1: 1 liter (6.2 pH, 1.5 ml FloraMicro, 2 ml FloraGro, 2 ml FloraBloom, 2 ml CalMag, 1.5 ml Voodoo Juice) ~1200 PPM AK2: 1 liter (6.2 pH, 1.5 ml FloraMicro, 2 ml FloraGro, 2 ml FloraBloom, 2 ml CalMag, 1.5 ml Voodoo Juice) 💦: 72% (41-74) - 🌡️: 25C (24-30)
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Used techniques
Week 7. Flowering
3 years ago
68.99 cm
18 hrs
29 °C
No Smell
55 %
25 °C
8 L
1 L
33.02 cm
Nutrients 6
Voodoo Juice - Advanced Nutrients
Voodoo Juice 2.6 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 2 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1.5 mll
Note: Moisture and Temp readings are done in the mornings. Lights are on an automated 15/9 schedule, unless stated otherwise. 📏: AK1: 27 in (68.58 cm), AK2: 34.5 in (86.63 cm), North: 20 in (50.8 cm) ----- Day 49 (Jul 15) - Lights off overnight (~9Hrs). North soil a bit dry but pot feels heavier than expected 🤔. 💧: Tap: 7.3 pH Adjusted with pH Down AK1: 1.5 liter (6 pH, 1.5 ml FloraMicro, 2 ml FloraGro, 2.5 ml FloraBloom, 2 ml CalMag, 2 ml Voodoo Juice) ~1100 PPM AK2: 1.5 liter (6.2 pH [not adjusted], 1.5 ml FloraMicro, 2 ml FloraGro, 2 ml FloraBloom, 2 ml CalMag, 2 ml Voodoo Juice) ~920 PPM North: 1.5 liter (5.9 pH, 1 ml FloraMicro, 2 ml FloraGro, 2.5 ml FloraBloom, 2 ml CalMag, 2 ml Voodoo Juice) 💦: 49% (40-74) - 🌡️: 28C (23-30) Day 50 - Lights off overnight (~11Hrs). North not watered, drinking slower again. 💧: Tap: x pH Adjusted with pH Down (~0.17 ml / ea.) AK1: 1.5 liter (6 pH, 1.5 ml FloraMicro, 2 ml FloraGro, 2.5 ml FloraBloom, 2 ml CalMag, 2 ml Voodoo Juice) ~1100 PPM AK2: 1.5 liter (6 pH, 1.5 ml FloraMicro, 2 ml FloraGro, 2 ml FloraBloom, 2 ml CalMag, 2 ml Voodoo Juice) ~920 PPM 💦: 57% (39-75) - 🌡️: 27C (22-31) Day 51 - Lights on 24. Using smart plug to control lights now. Lights will go out every night for 9 hours. Late afternoon watering (2 pm) 💧: Tap: x pH Not adjusted. AK1: 1.5 liter (6.2 pH, 3 ml FloraMicro, 3 ml FloraGro, 2.5 ml FloraBloom, 3 ml CalMag, 3 ml Voodoo Juice) ~1100 PPM AK2: 1.5 liters (6.2 pH, 3 ml FloraMicro, 3 ml FloraGro, 2.5 ml FloraBloom, 3 ml CalMag, 3 ml Voodoo Juice) ~1200 PPM North: 1.5 liter (6.15 pH, 2 ml FloraMicro, 2.5 ml FloraGro, 3.5 ml FloraBloom, 3 ml CalMag, 3 ml Voodoo Juice) ~1050 PPM 💦: X% (39-75) - 🌡️: XC (22-31) Day 52 - Not watering today. The soil is still moist. 💦: 45% (40-71) - 🌡️: 28C (22-31) Day 53 - North soil is still moister than expected; the AK's are dry. Watering all plants. Watered later in the evening in preparation for the morning. 💧: Tap: x pH Not adjusted. AK1: 1.5 liter (6.2 pH, 1.5 ml FloraMicro, 2 ml FloraGro, 2.5 ml FloraBloom, 3 ml CalMag, 3 ml Voodoo Juice) ~1100 PPM AK2: 1.5 liter (6.2 pH, 1.5 ml FloraMicro, 2 ml FloraGro, 2.5 ml FloraBloom, 3.5 ml CalMag, 3 ml Voodoo Juice) ~1100 PPM North: 1 liter (6.2 pH, 2 ml FloraMicro, 2.5 ml FloraGro, 3.5 ml FloraBloom, 3 ml CalMag, 3 ml Voodoo Juice) 💧: Tap: x pH Not adjusted. AK1: 0.75 liter (6.2 pH, 1 ml FloraMicro, 1 ml FloraGro, 1.5 ml FloraBloom, 1.5 ml CalMag) ~1200 PPM AK2: 0.75 liter (6.2 pH, 1 ml FloraMicro, 1 ml FloraGro, 1.5 ml FloraBloom, 1.5 ml CalMag) ~1350 PPM 💦: x% - 🌡️: xC Day 54 - No Readings 💦: X% - 🌡️: xC Day 55 - No Readings. No watering (not around). 💦: X% - 🌡️: xC Day 56 - After missing a day of watering, the plants (except for North) were heavily drooped but otherwise unaffected (leaves intact, no odd colors, etc). After an afternoon of watering the plants slightly perked back up but not fully. Put Scrog net over the plants, also set up automatic watering system. North will get less training since it's shorter and more stocky. 💧: Tap: x pH Adjusted with pH Down. AK1: 1.5 liters (5.85 pH, 1 ml FloraMicro, 2 ml FloraGro, 3 ml FloraBloom, 3 ml CalMag, 3 ml Voodoo Juice) AK2: 1.5 liters (6.2 pH, 1 ml FloraMicro, 2 ml FloraGro, 3 ml FloraBloom, 3 ml CalMag, 3 ml Voodoo Juice) North: 1.5 liters (6.15 pH, 1 ml FloraMicro, 2 ml FloraGro, 3 ml FloraBloom, 3 ml CalMag, 3 ml Voodoo Juice) 💦: X% - 🌡️: xC
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Used techniques
Week 8. Flowering
3 years ago
123.83 cm
16 hrs
29 °C
No Smell
1150 PPM
50 %
25 °C
8 L
1 L
38.1 cm
Nutrients 5
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 1.5 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 2.5 mll
Note: Moisture and Temp readings are done in the mornings. Lights are on an automated 16/8 schedule unless stated otherwise. Drip water system waters 1 Liter every 8 hours. 📏: AK1: 33.5 in (85.06 cm), AK2: 42 in (106.68 cm), North: 22 in (55.88 cm) --- Day 57 (Jul 22) - Testing the drip watering system for the next few days. Watering 1 liter every 8 hours. Treated water put into bucket. 💧: Tap: x pH Not adjusted. All: 5.65 liters (6.2 pH, 5.65 ml FloraMicro, 11.3 ml FloraGro, 16 ml FloraBloom, 16 ml CalMag, 16 ml Voodoo Juice) 💦: 40% (35-68) - 🌡️: 27C (21-31) Day 58 - Plants look healthy and perky. Should be enough water for 7 waterings @ 1 liter/8hr 💧: Tap: x pH Adjusted with pH Down. All: 7.1 liter (6.05 pH, 7.5 ml FloraMicro, 11.5 ml FloraGro, 14.5 ml FloraBloom, 14.5 ml CalMag) ~1450 PPM, ~2400 EC 💦: 56% (36-69) - 🌡️: 29C (23-31) Day 59 - Plants look healthy and perky. Plants look healthy and perky. 💦: 51% (38-66) - 🌡️: 33C (22-33) Day 60 - Was fiddling with the AC throughout the day yesterday causing big temperature swings, and also forgot to raise the AC temp at night. 💦: 43% (37-70) - 🌡️: 27C (19-35) Day 61 - Manually watering today. Refilling drip water system to start watering at 1 💧: Tap: 7.45 pH Not adjusted. AK1: 1.5 liter (6.15 pH, 1 ml FloraMicro, 2 ml FloraGro, 3 ml FloraBloom, 2.5 ml CalMag) ~1100 PPM AK2: 1.5 liter (6.15 pH, 1 ml FloraMicro, 2 ml FloraGro, 3.5 ml FloraBloom, 2.5 ml CalMag) ~1150 PPM North: 1.5 liter (6.15 pH, 1 ml FloraMicro, 2 ml FloraGro, 3.5 ml FloraBloom, 2.5 ml CalMag) ~1050 PPM 💦: 38% (35-63) - 🌡️: 32C (24-33) Day 62 - Plants perky, drip system started at 1AM. Refilled Drip System -💧: Tap: x pH Adjusted with pH Down. All: 7.1 liter (6.2 pH, 7.5 ml FloraMicro, 11.5 ml FloraGro, 18 ml FloraBloom, 14.5 ml CalMag) ~1450 PPM, ~2400 EC 💦: 54% (35-67) - 🌡️: 31C (22-32) Day 63 (Jul 28) - Plants look healthy. And the AKs are starting to flower like North was in Week 6. 💦: 58% (38-72) - 🌡️: 30C (23-31)
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Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
3 years ago
79.58 cm
17 hrs
29 °C
1150 PPM
50 %
25 °C
8 L
1 L
88.04 cm
Nutrients 5
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 1.3 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 2.3 mll
Note: Moisture and Temp readings are done in the mornings. Lights are on an automated 17/9 schedule unless stated otherwise. Drip water system waters 1 Liter every 9 hours. Quick Notes: I notice as I go into full-blown flower, the plants are starting to need less frequent waterings, especially North. The watering system overflows her pot often, and the AKs soils feel relatively damp before the auto-watering starts. All plants are stopping their growth also. North is the furthest into flowering and is starting to smell and get sticky, the microscope is showing trichome development also. 📏: AK1: 36 in (91.44 cm), AK2: 44 in (111.76 cm), North: 24 in (60.96 cm) Day 64 (Jul 29) - Manually watering today. All plants drinking a bit slower, especially North (probably had a 0.5 liter overspill). Refilling drip water system tomorrow to get a better pace for watering. 💧: Tap: 7.45 pH Adjusted with pH down. AK1: 1.5 liter (5.95 pH, 1 ml FloraMicro, 2 ml FloraGro, 3 ml FloraBloom, 2.5 ml CalMag) ~1220 PPM AK2: 1.5 liter (6.05 pH, 1 ml FloraMicro, 1.5 ml FloraGro, 3 ml FloraBloom, 2.5 ml CalMag) ~1150 PPM North: 1.5 liter (x pH, 1 ml FloraMicro, 2 ml FloraGro, 3 ml FloraBloom, 2.5 ml CalMag) 💦: 57% (37-67) - 🌡️: 27C (22-30) Day 64 (Jul 30) - Noticing Plants drinking slower. Soil not completely dry in the mornings as usual. Defoliated AK2 a bit more. Attempted to Supercrop but decided not to follow through (crushed main trunk between fingers without bending it over) Watered all plants and refilled drip water system with 14.2 liters. 💧: Tap: x pH Adjusted with pH Down. All: 14.2 liter (6.2 pH, 14.5 ml FloraMicro, 14.5 ml FloraGro, 33.5 ml FloraBloom, 33.5 ml CalMag) ~1250 PPM, ~2250 EC 💦: 49% (38-70) - 🌡️: 28C (20-30) Day 65 - Plants look healthy. Set drip System to water 1 liter every 9 hours. 💦: 38% (36-65) - 🌡️: 26C (20-29) Day 66 - Plants look healthy. 💦: X% -🌡️: xC Day 67 - Trimmed some leaves below. Humidity spiked unexpectedly, buying dehumidifier. 💦: X% (40-79) - 🌡️: XC (21-29) Day 68 - Humidity spike overnight. Manually watered AK1 & AK2, not North (didn't seem like she needed it). Looks like the plants are needing a bit less watering overall. 💧: Tap: x pH Adjusted with pH down. AK1: 1.5 liter (6.05 pH, 1 ml FloraMicro, 1.3 ml FloraGro, 2.3 ml FloraBloom, 2.3 ml CalMag) AK2: 1.5 liter (5.95 pH, 1 ml FloraMicro, 1.3 ml FloraGro, 2.3 ml FloraBloom, 2.3 ml CalMag) 💦: 45% (39-71) - 🌡️: 27C (20-29) Day 69 (week 9) - Humidity spike overnight. Set water system to water 1 liter every 11 hours. Dehumidifier came in mail, monitoring effectiveness throughout the day and tomorrow. Refilled water system and set to water 1 liter every 10 hours. All: 14.2 liter (6.2 pH, 14.5 ml FloraMicro, 14.5 ml FloraGro, 33.5 ml FloraBloom, 33.5 ml CalMag) ~1550 PPM 💦: 44% (36-70) - 🌡️: 26C (19-29)
Used techniques
Week 10. Flowering
3 years ago
79.58 cm
17 hrs
29 °C
50 %
25 °C
8 L
1 L
88.04 cm
Nutrients 5
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 1.3 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1.2 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 2.3 mll
Note: Moisture and Temp readings are done in the mornings. Lights are on an automated 17/9 schedule unless stated otherwise. Drip water system waters 0.75 Liter every 10 hours. Quick Summary: Some days have no measurements since I have been away. AK1 and AK2 started showing signs of deficiencies similar to earlier weeks of this grow. I think it might be a pH issue like before, I suspect the bucket I store the water in might've had too low of a pH with the water standing in it for long periods. My notes do not show the pH (forgot to write it down). North is still flowering fine. Since the plants seem like they need less water I spaced out the times between watering, and manually watering with less water. Also, the tent is starting to produce a light smell. Day 70 (Aug 5) - Humidity spike overnight was lower, still monitoring. The dehumidifier collected a very small amount of moisture. 💦: 44% (39-65) - 🌡️: 27C (21-30) Day 71 - Humidity spike overnight was lower, still monitoring. The dehumidifier collected a very small amount of moisture, again. 💦: 47% (38-66) - 🌡️: 28C (22-31) Day 72 - Well, I can't stop the spikes, but the dehumidifier is working for something 🤷‍♂️. Manually watering plants, North does not look like it needs water. 💧: Tap: x pH Not adjusted. AK1: 1 liter (x pH, 1 ml FloraMicro, 1.25 ml FloraGro, 2.3 ml FloraBloom, 2.5 ml CalMag) AK2: 1 liter (x pH, 1 ml FloraMicro, 1.25 ml FloraGro, 2.3 ml FloraBloom, 3 ml CalMag) 💦: X% - 🌡️: xC Day 73 - Started seeing leaf discoloration in hard to see places on AK2, this might be the leaves healing from a previous deficiency and isn't progressing (canopy leaves look fine). AK2 also looks like it's starting to get light burn on its main stalk due to leaves changing color and getting brown spots. I cut off most of the fan leaves on AK2 main trunk and did a little defoliation on the hard to reach spots. Also defoliated some leaves and small bud sites on North lower section. Manually watering plants. 💧: Tap: x pH Not adjusted. AK1: 0.75 liter (x pH, 1 ml FloraMicro, 1.25 ml FloraGro, 3 ml FloraBloom, 2.5 ml CalMag) AK2: 0.75 liter (x pH, 1 ml FloraMicro, 1.25 ml FloraGro, 2.5 ml FloraBloom, 3.5 ml CalMag) North: 0.75 liter (6.15 pH, 1 ml FloraMicro, 1.25 ml FloraGro, 2.3 ml FloraBloom, 2.3 ml CalMag) Refilling auto water system. Set to water 750ml per 9 hours. 💧: Tap: x pH Not adjusted. System: 7.1 liter (x pH, 7.1 ml FloraMicro, 7.1 ml FloraGro, 16.33 ml FloraBloom, 16.33 ml CalMag) 💦: X% - 🌡️: xC Day 74 - No Measurements Day 75 - No Measurements Day 76 (Aug 11) - AK1 showing symptoms similar to a few weeks ago. Leaves turning full yellow below the canopy. Cut off some of them and kept others to watch if progression happens. Manually watered plants and refilled auto water system. Auto refill 750ml every 9 hours. 💧: Tap: x pH Not adjusted. AK1: 1 liter (x pH, 1 ml FloraMicro, 1.25 ml FloraGro, 3 ml FloraBloom, 3 ml CalMag) AK2: 1 liter (x pH, 1 ml FloraMicro, 1.25 ml FloraGro, 2.5 ml FloraBloom, 3 ml CalMag) 💦: 52% (39-71) - 🌡️: 27C (22-30)
Used techniques
Week 11. Flowering
3 years ago
79.58 cm
17 hrs
29 °C
50 %
8 L
1 L
88.04 cm
Nutrients 5
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 1 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.75 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 2.25 mll
Note: Moisture and Temp readings are done in the mornings. Lights are on an automated 17/9 schedule unless stated otherwise. Drip water system was not used this week, so I can have a bit more control of nute ratios. Quick Summary: Not much action this week, regular defoliations, and bud development. Nice weak smell, the AKs smell pretty sweet and are starting to get sticky (guessing 2-3 weeks till harvest). North is still advancing, I need to keep track of harvesting (guessing 2 weeks till harvest). Day 77 - Plants look relatively healthy. Yellowing on AK1 lower section seems to be slowing or stopped. Defoliated yellowed or dried leaves from the plant. 💦: 46% (36-59) - 🌡️: 28C (23-31) Day 78 - No Measurements 💦: 46% (36-59) - 🌡️: 28C (23-31) Day 79 - Manually Watering. 💧: Tap: 7.55 pH Not adjusted. AK1: 1 liter (6.1 pH, 1 ml FloraMicro, 1.75 ml FloraGro, 3.25 ml FloraBloom, 3 ml CalMag) ~1220 PPM AK2: 1 liter (6.1 pH, 1 ml FloraMicro, 1.75 ml FloraGro, 3.25 ml FloraBloom, 3 ml CalMag) ~1150 PPM North: 1 liter (x pH, 1 ml FloraMicro, 1.25 ml FloraGro, 3 ml FloraBloom, 2 ml CalMag) 💦: 46% (34-57) - 🌡️: 25C (23-31) Day 80 - Manually Watering. 💧: Tap: 7.8 pH Not adjusted. AK1: 1.5 liter (6.3 pH, 1 ml FloraMicro, 1.5 ml FloraGro, 3.25 ml FloraBloom, 2.5 ml CalMag) ~1250 PPM ~2400 EC AK2: 1.5 liter (6.3 pH, 1 ml FloraMicro, 1.5 ml FloraGro, 3.25 ml FloraBloom, 2.5 ml CalMag) ~1250 PPM ~2200 EC North: 1 liter (x pH, 0.75 ml FloraMicro, 1 ml FloraGro, 2.25 ml FloraBloom, 1.75 ml CalMag) 💦: 42% (35-58) - 🌡️: 26C (22-30) Day 81 - Manually Watering. 💧: Tap: X pH Not adjusted. AK1: 1.5 liter (x pH, 2.1 ml FloraMicro, 1 ml FloraGro, 3.25 ml FloraBloom, 2.5 ml CalMag) ~x PPM ~x EC AK2: 1.5 liter (x pH, 2.1 ml FloraMicro, 1 ml FloraGro, 3.25 ml FloraBloom, 2.5 ml CalMag) ~1250 PPM ~2200 EC North: 1 liter (x pH, 0.75 ml FloraMicro, 1 ml FloraGro, 2.25 ml FloraBloom, 1.75 ml CalMag) 💦: 42% (35-58) - 🌡️: 26C (22-30) Day 82 - Manually Watering. 💧: Tap: X pH Adjusted with pH Down. AK1: 1 liter (6.0 pH, 0.75 ml FloraMicro, 1 ml FloraGro, 2.25 ml FloraBloom, 2.25 ml CalMag) ~1300 PPM ~2350 EC AK2: 1 liter (5.9 pH, 0.75 ml FloraMicro, 1 ml FloraGro, 2.25 ml FloraBloom, 2.25 ml CalMag) ~1200 PPM ~2250 EC North: 1 liter (x pH, 0.5 ml FloraMicro, 0.75 ml FloraGro, 1.5 ml FloraBloom, 1.5 ml CalMag) 💦: 48% (35-59) - 🌡️: 27C (21-30) Day 83 (Aug 18) - Manually Watering. 💧: Tap: X pH Adjusted with pH Down. AK1: 1 liter (6.0 pH, 0.75 ml FloraMicro, 1 ml FloraGro, 2.25 ml FloraBloom, 2.25 ml CalMag) AK2: 1 liter (5.9 pH, 0.75 ml FloraMicro, 1 ml FloraGro, 2.25 ml FloraBloom, 2.25 ml CalMag) North: 1 liter (x pH, 0.5 ml FloraMicro, 0.75 ml FloraGro, 1.5 ml FloraBloom, 1.5 ml CalMag) 💦: X% () - 🌡️: xC () Day 84 - Manually Watering. 💧: Tap: X pH Adjusted with pH Down. AK1: 1.5 liter (6.05 pH, 1.25 ml FloraMicro, 1.5 ml FloraGro, 3.25 ml FloraBloom, 3 ml CalMag) AK2: 1.5 liter (5.95 pH, 1.25 ml FloraMicro, 1.5 ml FloraGro, 3.25 ml FloraBloom, 3 ml CalMag) North: 1 liter (x pH, 0.75 ml FloraMicro, 1 ml FloraGro, 1.5 ml FloraBloom, 1.5 ml CalMag) 💦: 41% (39-61) - 🌡️: 25C (22-29)
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Used techniques
Week 12. Flowering
3 years ago
79.58 cm
17 hrs
29 °C
50 %
8 L
1 L
88.04 cm
Nutrients 5
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 1 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.75 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 2.75 mll
Note: Moisture and Temp readings are done in the mornings. Lights are on an automated 18/6 schedule unless stated otherwise. Drip water system was not used this week, so I can have a bit more control of nute ratios. Quick Summary: Whadd'ya know, I stop meticulously tracking my feeding thinking everything is well, and AK2 starts getting sick on me. All plants are drinking at a slower rate towards the end of the week. I suspect overfeeding, I will start feeding all the plants a little less and watering with less volume. I think all plants are affected by overfeeding in some way (AK1 showing slight signs of stress), but AK2 is having a full-on stroke. I'll start feeding Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) and distilled water throughout next week to see what changes. Most of AK2's leaves are spotted yellow, browning, crusting off, and/or curling. Some leaves are fine especially those not directly exposed to the tent light. Harvest tracking: - North may have about 1-2 weeks to go, most trichomes are looking cloudy and some are clear. I'm waiting until I see virtually no clear ones and slightly amber ones. - AK1 may have 3-4 weeks (assumption based on how North matured), most likely less yield too since it's sick midway into flower - AK2 may have 3-4 weeks (assumption based on how North matured) Day 85 - Manually Watering. 💧: Tap: X pH Adjusted with pH Down. AK1: 1.5 liter (6.1 pH, 1.25 ml FloraMicro, 1.5 ml FloraGro, 3.25 ml FloraBloom, 3 ml CalMag) AK2: 1.5 liter (6.1 pH, 1.25 ml FloraMicro, 1.5 ml FloraGro, 3.25 ml FloraBloom, 3 ml CalMag) North: 1 liter (6.2 pH, 0.75 ml FloraMicro, 1 ml FloraGro, 1.5 ml FloraBloom, 2.5 ml CalMag) 💦: 41% (39-61) - 🌡️: 25C (22-29) Day 86 - Manually Watering. 💧: Tap: X pH Adjusted with pH Down. AK1: 1.5 liter (6.1 pH, 1.25 ml FloraMicro, 1.5 ml FloraGro, 3.25 ml FloraBloom, 3 ml CalMag) AK2: 1.5 liter (6 pH, 1.25 ml FloraMicro, 1.5 ml FloraGro, 3.25 ml FloraBloom, 3 ml CalMag) North: 1 liter (6.15 pH, 0.75 ml FloraMicro, 1 ml FloraGro, 1.5 ml FloraBloom, 2.5 ml CalMag) 💦: 40% (36-62) - 🌡️: 29C (23-31) Day 87 - Noticing some moisture retention in soil. AK1 soil a little moist (2/5), AK2 soil very moist (4/5), North soil a little moist too (3/5). May not water today, monitoring throughout day for soil moisture content. AK2 may be showing signs of overwatering, yellow spotted leaves, soil extremely moist. Manually Watering. 💧: Tap: X pH Adjusted with pH Down. AK1: 1 liter (6.15 pH, 0.75 ml FloraMicro, 1 ml FloraGro, 2.25 ml FloraBloom, 2.25 ml CalMag) 💦: 40% (36-62) - 🌡️: 29C (23-33) Day 88 - AK2 Soil still very moist (4/5). AK1 and North slightly moist. Probably won't water at all today. Slightly top dressed AK2 soil and watered with a little bit of hydrogen peroxide. (Took pics of leaves). Gave AK1 some water (only about 0.45L / 1.5 Cup water) last night so it don't wilt overnight. 💧: Tap: X pH Not Adjusted. AK1: 0.4 liter (x pH, Plain Tap water) AK2: 0.4 liter (7.75 pH, 1ml H2O2) 💦: X% -🌡️: xC Day 89 - AK2 Soil still moist (3/5). Leaves on AK2 not really progressing with issues. Not noticing any further damage, the plant just seems to not want to drink. Pruned some leaves and small non-producing flower sites. AK1 developed several yellow leaves, new growth very light green compared to parts of the plant that the light is directly hitting. 💧: Tap: X pH Adjusted with pH Down. AK1: 1 liter (6.05 pH, 0.75 ml FloraMicro, 1 ml FloraGro, 2.25 ml FloraBloom, 2.25 ml CalMag) ~1250 PPM ~2400 EC North: 1 liter (6.10 pH, 0.75 ml FloraMicro, 1 ml FloraGro, 2.25 ml FloraBloom, 2.25 ml CalMag) ~1400 PPM ~2400 EC 💦: 42% (34-60) -🌡️: 25C (20-29) Day 90 - AK2 Soil still relatively moist. AK1 soil slightly moist. North soil slightly moist. May not water today. AK2 looks pretty sickly based on the leaves but doesn't seem like it's wilting and stems not really limp. 💧: Tap: X pH Lost water data (app messed up)!! I watered AK2 with 0.4L water with nutrients based on 1ml/L feeds. AK1 and North got 1L of similar nutes 💦: 37% (33-60) -🌡️: 25C (20-29) Day 91 - Lost water data yesterday. AK2 looks horrible. Most leaves are twisted, browned, and/or spotted. I suspected overwatering earlier in the week, now I'm thinking overfeeding. So nutes will be toned down until I see improvement. Adjusted with pH Down. AK1: 1 liter, 1/2 Distilled, 1/2 Tap (6.45 pH, 0.5 ml FloraMicro, 0.5 ml FloraGro, 0.75 ml FloraBloom) ~430 PPM ~830 EC AK2: 0.7 liter Distilled Water (6.25 pH, 2 ml H2O2) North: 1 liter, 2/3 Distilled, 1/3 Tap (6.10 pH, 0.5 ml FloraMicro, 0.5 ml FloraGro, 0.75 ml FloraBloom) 💦: 37% (32-56) -🌡️: 25C (20-29)
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Used techniques
Week 13. Flowering
3 years ago
79.58 cm
12 hrs
29 °C
50 %
8 L
1 L
88.04 cm
Nutrients 4
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.25 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.5 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.25 mll
Note: Moisture and Temp readings are done in the mornings. Lights are on an automated 12/12 schedule unless stated otherwise. Quick Summary: This week I fed the plants only 1 time. Since all plants are drinking slower, all were watered less, and less frequently. AK1's issues seemed to slow (not stop) this week. Most of AK2's leaves are gone, the damaged leaves haven't gotten worse and the remaining green leaves haven't been damaged as much. Since I'm seeing green on AK2, and nothing smells or looks too weird I'm going to continue growing. North is still growing strong, started the weirdest and is pulling through strong. What's weird is I think all plants including North is being affected by the same thing, but AK2 is suffering the most. Harvest tracking: - North may have about 1-2 weeks to go, most trichomes are looking cloudy and some are clear. I'm waiting until I see virtually no clear ones and slightly amber ones. - AK1 may have 3-4 weeks (assumption based on how North matured), most likely less yield too since it's sick midway into flower - AK2 may have 3-4 weeks (assumption based on how North matured) Day 92 - Manually Watering. 💧: Tap: X pH Adjusted with pH Down. AK1: 1 liter, 1/2 Distilled, 1/2 Tap (6.45 pH, 0.5 ml FloraMicro, 0.5 ml FloraGro, 0.75 ml FloraBloom) ~430 PPM ~830 EC AK2: 0.7 liter Distilled Water (6.25 pH, 2 ml H2O2) North: 1 liter, 2/3 Distilled, 1/3 Tap (6.10 pH, 0.75 ml FloraMicro, 1 ml FloraGro, 2.25 ml FloraBloom) 💦: 41% (39-61) - 🌡️: 25C (22-29) Day 93 - Away for a few days, setting up auto water with pH'd Tap Manually Watering. 💧: Tap: X pH Adjusted with pH Down. AK1: 0.75 liter (6.45 pH) AK2: 0.75 liter (6.25 pH, 2 ml H2O2) North: 0.75 liter (6.45 pH) 💦: 41% (39-61) - 🌡️: 25C (22-29) Day 94 - Auto Water, running at 0.75 liters per 11 hours. AK2 was not watered. 💦: C% - 🌡️: xC Day 95 - Auto Water, running at 0.75 liters per 11 hours. AK2 was not watered. 💦: C% - 🌡️: xC Day 96 - Auto Water, running at 0.75 liters per 11 hours. AK2 was not watered. 💦: C% - 🌡️: xC Day 97 - AK2 is basically down to its buds, the lower section is the only place with some greenery left. I guess I'll be taking it into a leafless harvest. Surprisingly the soil is only slightly dry after 3 days of no watering. AK1 has a lot of fan leaves, especially in the upper section starting to turn completely yellow. It seems like only fan leaves are affected. Manually Watering. 💧: Tap: X pH Adjusted with pH Down. AK1: 0.7 liter (6.45 pH, 0.75ml FloraMicro, 1ml FloraGro, 2ml FloraBloom) AK2: 0.7 liter (6.25 pH) North: 0.7 liter (6.45 pH, 0.75ml FloraMicro, 1ml FloraGro, 2ml FloraBloom) 💦: X% - 🌡️: xC Day 98 - Tracking what little remaining leaves AK2 has for symptoms of improvement or issues. Cut some more yellowing fan leaves off AK1. North still chugging along just fine. 💦: 34% (34-56) - 🌡️: 28C (23-30)
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Grow Questions
leafy_greenzstarted grow question 2 years ago
About 5-6 weeks into flower I started seeing yellowing pop up, eventually the edges started turning brown and curl randomly. The yellowing happens over the course of a day or 2. They drink slower than usual and symptoms don't really seem to be getting better. What could be wrong?
Leaves. Tips - Burnt
Leaves. Curl up
Leaves. Color - Yellow
GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 2 years ago
I'm pretty sure that what's happening is that she's coming to the end of her life.... she's been in flower for 7 weeks which is an extraordinary amount of time for an autoflower so I would tell you to start checking her trichomes with a jeweler's loupe or a microscope... see if they're milky, see if some of them have turned amber... if so, it's time to chop! Congratulations!!
Week 14. Flowering
2 years ago
79.58 cm
12 hrs
29 °C
50 %
8 L
1 L
88.04 cm
Nutrients 4
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.25 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.5 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.25 mll
Note: Moisture and Temp readings are done in the mornings. Lights are on an automated 18/6 schedule unless stated otherwise. Quick Summary: This week I focused on fixing the leaf issues on the AKs. Since they're probably near end of life as autos, I slowed down the feeding going into next week and possibly the week after while I consider an early harvest. North is on track to being chopped real soon, I will be watering with pH'd tap until harvest which is most likely happening next week. The smell in the tent has died down a lot (North is the only strong scented plant). Also, I accidentally chopped one of AK2's stems so I'm drying/curing that to test harvest. Harvest tracking: - North may have about 1 week to go, most trichomes are looking cloudy, some slightly amber tints. - AK1 may have 1-2 weeks (assumption based on how North matured), most likely less yield too since it's sick midway into flower - AK2 may have 1-2 weeks (assumption based on how North matured) * The AK's are either prematurely dying, or sick. Either way I decided I'm not going to fix anymore until I chop them. Their trichomes are still small and mostly clear, virtually no cloudy ones except maybe on the remaining leaves they have. Day 99 - Manually watering. 💧: Tap: ~8+ pH Adjusted with pH Down. AK1: 0.43 liter (6.4 pH) AK2: 0.43 liter (6.2 pH) North: 0.43 liter (6 pH) 💦: 34% (34-56) - 🌡️: 28C (23-30) Day 100 - Manually watering. 💧: Tap: ~8+ pH Adjusted with pH Down. AK1: 0.43 liter (6.7 pH, 1ml FloraMicro, 0.5ml CalMag) AK2: 0.43 liter (6.7 pH, 1ml FloraMicro, 0.5ml CalMag) North: 0.43 liter (6 pH, 1ml CalMag) 💦: 34% (34-56) - 🌡️: 28C (23-30) Day 101 - Manually watering. 💧: Tap: ~8+ pH Adjusted with pH Down. AK1: 0.7 liter (6.45 pH, 1.25 ml FloraMicro, 1ml FloraGro) 💦: 34% (34-56) - 🌡️: 28C (20-30) Day 102 - No watering 💦: 34% (34-56) - 🌡️: 28C (20-30) Day 103 (Sept 5) - Manually watering. 💧: Tap: ~8+ pH Adjusted with pH Down. AK1: 1.2 liter (6.15 pH, 1.5 ml FloraMicro, 1.25ml FloraGro, 2 ml FloraBloom, 1.25 CalMag) ~1020 PPM ~2100 EC AK2: 0.95 liter (6.15 pH, 1.5 ml FloraMicro, 0.75 ml FloraGro, 0.75 ml FloraBloom, 1 CalMag) ~1000 PPM ~2000 EC North: 0.95 liter (6.1 pH, 1.5 ml FloraMicro, 0.75 ml FloraGro, 0.75 ml FloraBloom, 1 CalMag) ~1100 PPM 💦: 40% (34-67) - 🌡️: 25C (20-30) Day 104 - No longer feeding North, based on Trichomes feeding tap water for the remainder to grow. Manually watering. 💧: Tap: ~8+ pH Adjusted with pH Down. AK1: 1.2 liter (6.15 pH, 1.5 ml FloraMicro, 1.25ml FloraGro) AK2: 0.95 liter (6.15 pH, 1.5 ml FloraMicro, 1 CalMag) North: 0.95 liter (6.1 pH) 💦: 40% (34-67) - 🌡️: 25C (20-30) Day 105 - AK1 still continuing it's yellowing, North began yellowing yesterday. More forgiving for North yellowing since it's close to harvest. AK2 seems to be at a standstill. Manually watering. 💧: Tap: x pH Adjusted with pH Down. AK1: 0.7 liter (6.5 pH, 1.75 ml FloraMicro, 0.5 CalMag) ~1040 PPM ~2000 EC North: 0.7 liter (6.45 pH) ~275 PPM 💦: 45% (35-67) - 🌡️: 25C (20-29)
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Week 14. Harvest
2 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Nothing to complain about, first time growing and the plant pulled through to harvest.
Show more
Spent 101 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
50 g
Bud wet weight per plant
39 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry eyes
Negative effects
Pine, Woody

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Unfortunately there wasn't a smooth way for me to get the wet weight, so I just measured what I ended up curing, which ended up being around 50 grams. I only have estimates because again I wasn't prepared even to cure. I ended up curing half the plant in jars and half in a random box I found. North started slow and pulled through the strongest. Overall it grew to a pretty tiny stature, not sure if it was due to the strain or the grow medium. After I chopped it I examined the soil in the pot and saw I didn't mix the perlite as well as I could've, there were big patches of perlite throughout the soil. The roots did a good job of navigating the perlite clumps and latching onto the soil around it forming a nice root ball in the pot. Lesson learned: Mix your substrate!! 5 Gallon next.
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Week 14. Harvest
2 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Fast growing plant, size-wise, had to stay on top of sudden tantrums
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Spent 101 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
114 g
Bud wet weight per plant
114 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Creative, Euphoric, Uplifted
Positive effects
Citrus, Fruity

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
This is AK2. Unfortunately there wasn't a smooth way for me to get the wet weight, so I just measured what I ended up curing, which ended up being around 114 grams (~4oz). I only have estimates because again I wasn't prepared even to completely cure. Overall the plant grew fast. It started strong, then during preflower and into flower the plant threw a sudden tantrum and I couldn't figure out what was wrong. About 80% of the leaves fell off and the trichomes were not even fully developed, let alone have any color. After that tantrum, I decided to leave the plant in the tent for about 2 more weeks. During harvest, I have the feeling some of the plant was dying while in the medium since it had so many orange hairs around the buds and the plant was not too sticky overall.


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gottagrowsometimecommentedweek 83 years ago
@leafy_greenz, yeah. It can be a bit of both. Depending on how you like to grow. Some ppl like myself like to lollipop. So stretching is not good. With autos if you have a big temp drop that exceeds 5c 8-10degrees you should think about running a 5-1 5 hrs lights on and 1 off. Or 4.5hrs on and 1.5 off. If you want to grow 18-6. Or when you time your lights to go off, make it so that they go into rest at the hottest part of the day in your grow room. Also to to keep a higher temp you can run your exhaust on a timer to turn off and on every 15 mins on and off or for 5 mins out of every 30. This will hold a high temp, once you have a fan in your tent running and always exhaust the high rh/hot air this will all stop the stretch. Take your pick. Happy growing buddy.
homerjgangiacommentedweek 03 years ago
Good luck with your grow mate!💪💪
AutoGrowUkcommented3 years ago
@homerjgangia, Thanks mate 🌱👍
LegacyMarketFarmcommentedweek 03 years ago
Hey there friend. Congratulations on getting into growing cannabis! I think you are gonna really like it here at growdiaries. looking at your diary, Would you be alright with me offering some pointers? So cannabis plants LOVE heat and humidity. It is the buds that hate it. In veg we want to take advantage of this fact to help our plants grow along much quicker and more vigorously. In veg we can look for temps of 79-84 MAX with lights on & no more than 9 degrees less with lights off. If we allow for too much temperature swing between lights on and lights off while the plant is still growing vertically up to day 20 of flower, We will cause the plant to stretch ALOT which we do not want. So in veg & early flower, Keeping our temperature gaps nice and close between lights on and off is key. Utilizing humidity in our rooms during veg will also help out a lot with more rapid growth but we must introduce it properly. In our rooms we have our temperature and humidity set-points, But when we combine those 2 it forms a third set-point which is the most important & that is called VPD, Vapor pressure deficit. I strongly recommend every new grower or old grower who has not learned it yet, To study and understand it & implement it into your room, Logging your numbers daily. For soil, We generally want to go for a PH of 6.1. 7 is getting up there out of the sweet spot This website does a GREAT job of illustrating it with a nice graph & very good detailed explanation for soil. As we briefly touched on before, During veg & early flower we want our temperature gap's nice and tight to avoid stretch. Why exactly our plants stretch in response to this is a genetic trigger being activated by the environmental stress essentially telling the plant the end of the season is closer than it really is. In veg & early flower the plant is still in its first stage of development which is to grow up wide and tall so when it produces seed, It can cast them out nicely. Remember, Whether we are growing our plants for seed or bud their genetic responses do not change as they gh sidedo not know any different. Once the plant has finished that first stage of growth by weeks 4-6 of flower with most strains, It is by day 20 of flower. Autoflowers you have to watch for it, But once the plant has finished this goal its new mission is to focus 100% on producing nice big flower clusters & to get very sticky so it can attract pollen to it successfully. So once that vertical growth is finished, We actually now want to begin to expose our plants to larger temperature swings between lights on and lights off. This will help activate that genetic response and allow us to draw out the most potential from the strain utilizing the plants genetic triggers to environmental stresses at the right times. We can also take this a step further with doing light deprivation in the last 2 weeks using less light to simulate cloud cover. Very cold feed temps on the last flush is very good too. If you do not have them already, Get yourself a good PAR meter & thermal laser temp gun to monitor your plant top temperatures & optimize how much light your plants are getting. We are currently in the middle of producing a very comprehensive tutorial series for everybody to learn from & understand how to grow the highest level craft cannabis all on their own. If this interests you please check out our youtube and subscribe. The first 2 episodes are out the next one is coming in a few days. If you should ever have any questions or need any help, Please feel free to follow my profile and shoot me a DM. I will gladly help you with the pull down & make sure you get the best quality harvest possible as it is the most important step of the entire process. Happy growing friend!
love_2_growcommentedweek 03 years ago
Happy Growing, Buddy! 🌱🌱🌱
AutoGrowUkcommented3 years ago
@love_2_grow, Thanks Bud 👍
gottagrowsometimecommentedweek 83 years ago
Took some stretch so far. Good luck with the rest of Preflower. Hope you get some killer colas.
gottagrowsometimecommented3 years ago
@leafy_greenz, yeah. It can be a bit of both. Depending on how you like to grow. Some ppl like myself like to lollipop. So stretching is not good. With autos if you have a big temp drop that exceeds 5c 8-10degrees you should think about running a 5-1 5 hrs lights on and 1 off. Or 4.5hrs on and 1.5 off. If you want to grow 18-6. Or when you time your lights to go off, make it so that they go into rest at the hottest part of the day in your grow room. Also to to keep a higher temp you can run your exhaust on a timer to turn off and on every 15 mins on and off or for 5 mins out of every 30. This will hold a high temp, once you have a fan in your tent running and always exhaust the high rh/hot air this will all stop the stretch. Take your pick. Happy growing buddy.
leafy_greenzcommented3 years ago
@gottagrowsometime, thanks! I didn't even know stretch was potentially bad, just learned this
GrowingGranniecommentedweek 23 years ago
Nice looking grow so far! I have to say, they look awfully dark green - perhaps TOO dark? This might be an indication of too much nitrogen (and autoflowers really don't like much of any nutes in the first couple of weeks).... I don't see any PROBLEM - just something you should keep your eye on going forward! Good luck!
GrowingGranniecommented3 years ago
@leafy_greenz, If you haven't given any nutes yet, then there's nothing to worry about with the color and that's GREAT!!! I would introduce nutes slowly as you said... maybe about 1/4 strength depending on the nute line you're using - because they really don't look like they need anything, right!? Fabulous looking plants. From your notes on this week, it looks like you know what you're doing and are paying careful attention... and btw, I don't think you really need to pump up the humidity all that much if at all... anywhere in the 50s would be good for them! When they get into flower, you're going to want to reduce that so you don't get bud rot. Definitely going to follow this one!
leafy_greenzcommented3 years ago
@GrowingGrannie, Thanks for the comment! They actually all seemed to have a darker green tint (since they were 4+ leaf seedlings) than I would've expected, and thought that was interesting. I'm going to slowly introduce nutrients this week so doing a bunch of research so I don't screw this. 🤞
DreamITcommentedweek 33 years ago
Enjoy growth mate 🍀🤘🦄
the end.
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