Aug 21: harvested top buds last night as a thunderstorm was forecast and I wanted to preserve trichomes. Interesting how the next morning the lower bud trichomes were way more prominent. First batch 109 g wet.
Just plain water now. All of today’s pics are after removal of top buds.
Aug 23: took down the rest of the three Runtz plants for 208 g wet untrimmed buds. 317 g total wet should be about 80 g dry untrimmed for hash.
@gottagrowsometime, don’t be afraid of temps dropping below 10 C overnight. It can stunt young autos but larger plants can handle that overnight no problem. Beyond seedling stage overnight as low as freezing is still okay.
@Northern_Ent, perfecto. Ah, you'd get away with photos just a pain in the arse putting them out at the right time for the best 12hrs of light and taken them back in to put in the dark. Bit of a pain. I'd love to give outdoor growing a go. I checked our ppf for kicks and was surprised it was like 180k lux. About 2800ppfd, but our night temps drop below 10c. So no good.
@gottagrowsometime, I’m at 53N near Edmonton, 🇨🇦 and we’re now at close to 17 h and by the solstice we’ll be just over 17 h of daylight. Great for autos if timed right but not good for unforced photoperiods. Cheers.