WEEK 2 – 14/5/2022 - 20/5/2022
14/5/2022 - 1L of water mixed with the following:
Liquid Si - 0.5ml/gal - 0.13
Cal Mag - 5ml/gal - 1.3ml
Micro - 2.25ml/gal - 0.6ml
Gro - 2.25ml/gal - 0.6ml
Bloom - 0.6ml/gal - 0.2ml
Diamond Nectar - 2.5ml/Gal - 0.7
Nitrozyme - 10ml/L
pH - 6.03
eC - 2.34
20/5/2022 - 1 Strawberry Pie is not doing so great. I'm not sure if it's due to over watering or some nutrient issue. I dont think it's worth giving it more time. So the original plan of 3 Strawberry Pie and 1 CBD might not be feasible. Since the 2 CBD plants are doing great, I'll just do 2 Strawberry Pie and 2 CBD.