600-700ppfd from top leaves
7/18 water750ml+foliar0.8g ph6.16 ec0.5 ppm268 temp24
7/19 (ebb) water 20L+calmag20+voodoo20 ec0.3 ppm191 temp25 ph6.4 +6L
11:25 1.40min (200ml)
11:50 1.40min
12:15 1.40min
12:35 1:40min
12:50 1.40min
1L total per pot
7/21 defoliation of first branches and two fan leaves site from the bottom (not include chempie)
7/22(ebb) Water28L+Rootdrip 7ml+V1,V2 32G +Calmag42ml ph6.2 ec2.9 ppm1450 temp26
10:53 - 10:54 (150ml)
11:17 - 11:18 (200)
11:33 - 11:34 (200)
11:49 - 11:50 (200)
12:05 - 12:06 (200)
950ml per pot
7/23 ebb Water28L+calmag ppm120 ph6.3
1L per pot runoff 1.2ec
@TeamQuality420, Dam, I think so and I love your mindset. In my country, some people still look at only bud structure like it has to be dense clean, and nice shape. but guess what funniest part of it? They don't even know about the terpenes profile😬
@SolitudeCorners, you never know have you had a chance to try it out yet sometimes things don't look so pretty and they're the best thing you ever smoke it's not about looks I think that's people's problems sometime it's got to look so pretty but at the end of the day if that stuff works it works and to tell you the truth that plant doesn't look bad at all to me man!!! Happy growing 🤙🙏👊💥