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CBD Auto White Widow

2 years ago
Room Type
weeks 3
weeks 4-5, 5
weeks 5, 5
Grow medium
Coco Coir
Grow medium
9 L
Pot Size
0.75 L
3 years ago
First grow ever! There will probably be a lot of rookie mistakes, but that's how you learn i guess ;-) Got two different strains so i will split this into two seperate diaries. (other diary: Day 1: Soaked coco coir pellets for about 5 minutes and put one seed in each pellet about 0,5cm to 1cm deep. Covered seed with some of the pellet material. I placed the pellets into a starter tray and closed the lid so that humidity would rise. After 12 hours or so sprayed some tap water on top of each pellet with a PH around 7 - 7.5 which is prob a bit too high.. Day 2: Started lighting the seeds as suggested by community. Dimmed the lamp down to 40% and hanged it in a distance of 60cm, light cycle is 16/8. Sprayed some tap water on top of each pellet in the morning. Day3: First seed became visible above earth! They get a little tap water once in a while with a drop of lime or vinegar to get PH down to about 6 - 6.5. Days 4 to 5: One after another i can see my babies growing :-) One of them hasn't germinated yet, maybe in a couple days.. Day 6: First White widow is showing her leaves 😍 Day 7: Moved from plants germination tray to slightly bigger pots using BioBizz light mix soil. Started giving some nutrients: about per plant about 1ml of RootJuice in 120ml water per plant. Temps are often around 30°C which is too much! put an ice pack into the tent hoping to get temps down alittle but didnt really help...
Used method
Germination Method
Grow Questions
CypressHill78started grow question 3 years ago
Hey guys, i was wondering if one of my plants maybe needs special attention bc it looks like leaves are hanging a little bit.. I water every two days with around 150ml per pot and started gving some nutes (see above for ml per plant).
Leaves. Curl down
1 like
Robertsanswered grow question 3 years ago
Start adding new weeks on your diary so it provides a better picture to read for diagnosis please. What it looks like to me is a water issue with that plant. Plus light intensity is too strong. Turn down or back off plants some. Leaves will stand up in praying fashion when you find the sweet spot for that stage of growth. You are a little heavy on feed as well. The darker green is starting to show. If giving nutes maintain a run off of at least 20 percent. If in soil they need a wet, and dry cycle. More information would help of course. Ph readings, ppm or ec readings, what substrate, what's mix consistency parts and how much. I think you need more perlite in that one to solve watering issue. Improve plants resistant to it. Good luck
Week 1. Vegetation
3 years ago
3 cm
18 hrs
29 °C
No Smell
164 PPM
50 %
26 °C
26 °C
0 L
0 L
40 cm
Nutrients 3
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 1 mll
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 1 mll
Root-Juice - BioBizz
Root-Juice 2 mll
Day 8: Temps still around 30°C often.. Put exhaust vent on full power which seems to keep temps below 30° (was throttled to 60% bc of noise). Temps are only in ok range when exhaust is on 80% to 100% power and when lights are throttled to 40%. Whenever light intensity is increased to more than 40% temps get to 30° :( Day 9: No visible growth for two days. Maybe stunted bc of the transplant ? Or maybe they are just building roots for now ? Nutrients: 2ml RootJuice in about 200ml water per plant. Day 10: still no visible growth.. Lowered lights at much as possible and gave a little nutrition to each plant, about 0,3ml BioGrow (K-N-Ca-Mg) and 0,3ml of BioHeaven per plant. Day 11: All are Plants growing new leaves so i probably was just a little impatient..
Week 2. Vegetation
3 years ago
4.5 cm
18 hrs
29 °C
No Smell
164 PPM
49 %
26 °C
25 °C
0 L
0 L
44 cm
Nutrients 3
Root-Juice - BioBizz
Root-Juice 2 mll
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 2 mll
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 1 mll
Day 15: All Plants are growing a little bit each day.. Day 17: Leaves of one plant are kinda pointing downwards a little since about 2 or 3 days. Dimmed light intensity down from 60% to 40% again. split diary data into multiple weeks now instead of putting all germination info into the first week..
Week 3. Vegetation
3 years ago
7.5 cm
18 hrs
29 °C
164 PPM
50 %
26 °C
26 °C
9 L
0 L
45 cm
Nutrients 3
Root-Juice - BioBizz
Root-Juice 1 mll
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 1 mll
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 1 mll
Transplanted all plants from small pots into their final 9L pots. Looks like they took it well and are growing each day a little bit. Last two times i watered without nutes since run off water hot too low ph. Next watering will have nutes again. Lights are set at 60% intensity. I would like to increase to max but temps are already too high with often times 30°/86F. When temps get that hight i often spray some water around inside the box which brings temp down to about 27°/80F and up's RH from 50 to sth between 60 and 70. doesnt last very long though.. maybe i should get some sort of automatic humidifier? One of the White Widows is having pistils since a couple days so i guess it entered pre-flowering stage ? I also topped that one today at day 25, cutting between the fourth and fifth node.
Used techniques
Week 4. Vegetation
3 years ago
13 cm
18 hrs
29 °C
164 PPM
50 %
26 °C
26 °C
9 L
1 L
65 cm
Nutrients 5
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 1 mll
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 1 mll
Acti-Vera - BioBizz
Acti-Vera 1 mll
One month has passed since seed was put in growth medium. They seem to grow well width-wise but i wondern if they shouldnt have grown taller by now ? Also they seem not thirsty at all.. i waited 6 days since the last watering and still the earth was not completely dry.. Maybe they still have to get used to theit new bigger pots.. 3 days later now and they are more thirsty than ever! Gave em 2 liters each, only 2 days after the last watering. Also cut some fan leaves to allow for more light at some potential bud sites below. Just hope I didn't cut away too much!
1 like
Used techniques
Grow Questions
CypressHill78started grow question 3 years ago
One of my plants is kinda short but bushy on top, so i was wondering if i should maybe remove some leaves so that the lower parts of the plant will get more light ? Plant in question is 4 weeks old now and around 12cm in height.
Techniques. Defoliation
NobodysBudsanswered grow question 3 years ago
i'm with grannie.. think you need to illicit a bit more stretch out of the plants even if you do remove a leaf or two. axillary growth needs to spread out to be useful... so removing leaves to help grow what will be the oldest growth and potentially pruned off anyway isn't as helpful as you think it is. i'd rather that side growth stretch a little bit to reach light, then train it as needed. those first couple nodes won't even produce a decent bud anyway if you don't lollipop or defo at all, and most likely liek i said, it won't be there when the plant is in bloom unless it's a really tiny autoflower.
Week 5. Flowering
3 years ago
27 cm
12 hrs
28 °C
164 PPM
50 %
26 °C
25 °C
9 L
1 L
55 cm
Nutrients 6
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 2 mll
Acti-Vera - BioBizz
Acti-Vera 2 mll
Top-Max - BioBizz
Top-Max 1 mll
One of the widows startet preflower last week and is now in flower from what i can tell. Put lights in 12-12 schedule since i dont think the plants will grow much taller in theit 9 Liter / 2 Gallon containers. Raised light intensity to 80% and closed intake vents which created sort if a light vacuum inside the tent and seems to lower temps a bit. Did some LST and a little defoliation.
Used techniques
Week 6. Flowering
3 years ago
33 cm
12 hrs
29 °C
164 PPM
50 %
26 °C
25 °C
9 L
1 L
44 cm
Nutrients 6
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 2 mll
Acti-Vera - BioBizz
Acti-Vera 2 mll
Top-Max - BioBizz
Top-Max 1 mll
welcome to the jungle.. 😎 plants are growing like mad! except for one of the widows which lags behind a bit in size, but is actually the first to build buds😍
Week 9. Flowering
2 years ago
33 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
164 PPM
50 %
23 °C
25 °C
9 L
1 L
44 cm
Nutrients 7
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 5 mll
Acti-Vera - BioBizz
Acti-Vera 5 mll
Top-Max - BioBizz
Top-Max 4 mll
Been flushing the Widow since last week with water only, no more nutes. Next week will be harvest time 😇
Week 9. Harvest
2 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
I liked the smell on this one a lot 😋 Wil probably get another White Widow some time in the future again.. Unfortunately one of the WW's became a dwarf and never grew beyond ~33cm.. Probably because it's an auto flower and I shouldn't have topped it.. ?
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Spent 51 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
189.5 g
Bud wet weight per plant
34 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Hungry, Relaxed, Sleepy
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry mouth, Paranoia
Negative effects

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
The wet weight is for untrimmed buds, it's pretty much the complete plant except for the main stem (see picture). Not sure what the final trimmed and dried weight will be maybe 50 gr?


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DutchPassion_Officialcommentedweek 03 years ago
When you grow you learn, and when you learn you grow 😊 Just go 4 it mate and enjoy growing!
CypressHill78commented3 years ago
@DutchPassion_Official, haha thanks, i'll do just that 😇
homerjgangiacommentedweek 03 years ago
Good luck with your grow mate!💪💪
CypressHill78commented3 years ago
@homerjgangia, thx mate, looking forward to the journey! 💪
GrowingGranniecommentedweek 23 years ago
Couple of things here... and I'll take them in no particular order because they are equally important... First, you're really overdoing the nutes for this age of an autoflower... they don't like nor do they need nutes for the first two (maybe even 3) weeks of their life and when nutes are first introduced, they should be only at about 1/4 strength. Overdosing on nitrogen (your grow nutes) will cause leaves to droop like this... but so will my second point: Watering... either over- or under-watering will cause leaves to droop. You want to let the plant tell you when it needs additional water ... let the pot dry out completely so that it is terribly lightweight when you pick it up... the most common way people kill ANY plant is to overwater... so don't go by a schedule YOU have devised (i.e., X amount of water every X days) ... let the PLANT and the POT tell you. For example, I have one grow going where on Wednesday last week, I needed to water... the next day, the pot was super light again so I fed it... two days in a row! But then they didn't need to be watered for 3 days and then I needed to feed them 2 days later... Go with what the PLANT tells you! I will disagree with my growmie, Roberts, here on light intensity. I grow all my autos (and they're all I grow) on full intensity from about Day 3 of their lives until I harvest them. If you start to see some burning of the leaves, raise the lights or pull the plant away from the light with a little LST. So here is my advice: first, back off on your grow nutes by 1/2 for the next week or two (bloom nutes won't hurt them much). Second, make sure the soil is completely dry when you give them something else - OR make sure you're not making the plant wait interminably for more water when it needs it earlier. Third (and I don't know if you do this or not as there's no way to tell - and forgive me if I'm telling you something you already know) - make sure you're alternating between water and nutes... so water/feed/water/feed ... some people do water/water/feed/water/water/feed - personally, I like the former. Autoflowers are, for some, irritating to grow. Me? I love them... they're certainly a challenge and you will learn something new with every grow! Good luck!
CypressHill78commentedweek 23 years ago
I think i know whats going on now.. I put in water with PH around 6.3.. today i tested the PH coming out of the bottom of the pots after watering them heavily (without nutes) and it was at 5.63PH, for one plant it was 5.3 (the one with the brown spots from the grow question). So i'm guessing the ph of the soild is too acidic because i overdid the nutes ?
CypressHill78commentedweek 23 years ago
Thanks everybody for you're help with my grow questions, it's really invaluable for a first-time grower as me ;-) I think i def have to cut back on the nutes.. just thought bc i use the light soil mix i might start sooner with it but i guess i thought wrong! Also i wasnt aware that one should alternate between watering with nutes and w/o nutes, so i put them in every time i water 😐 As for when i water it is usually when the pot gets real light and dry-like which is about every other day, so i guess i'm doing that one ok..
the end.
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