Sept 5 Adjusted a few leafs and branches, Gave her another dose of Green Rush Nutrients Bloom. 76f/51h
Sept 6 Feed her water this morning all looks good. Might have over feed her next door sister so will water her the next few days in case she has been over fed. 76f/50h
Sept 7 Feed her Water again and adjusted a few leafs and branches. Will fed her water again tomorrow/ 76f/51h
Sept 8 Water tonight then food friday. Looks good so far. Adjusted a few leafs but they keep popping back to where they where. 76f/51h
Sept 9 Was going to water but instead gave her a small dose of food. Still stacking and thickening. 76f/51h
Sept 10 Feed her some water this morning so far so good. Clipped a few leafs and tried to pulled a few branches to open her up but she is solid and do not want to snap a branch. 76f51h
Sept 11 Last day of week 7. Feed her Ph'd water last night, Trimmed a few leafs off and adjusted some branches. She is starting to have a nice smell. looking forward to her. 76f/49h