After the removal of Cinderella Jack from the tent, these two girls are getting some better space for the finish run. She is looking great and she is very sticky. Her smell is very strong.
Hey there,
Thanks a bunch for growing our genetics, and sharing this diary with us :)
We hope that it was a nice experience, and that you enjoy the harvest!
Have a good one
Thanks @Kmikaz420,
For this round I decided I'd give them some extra love 💚. For about 2 weeks I spent almost an hour daily per plant training them. I love the shape they've got.
I have broken many many branches while training my girls. It's almost always possible to fix them after being snapped, but they are always weaker than the unbroken branches.
@MonkeyGrower, yes, breaking the main stem is bad. Since I topped I don't have a main stem, instead 6 main branches. The one that broke still has a massive cola, so I'm not too upset.