
Amnesia Haze Auto

Approved by Barney's Farm
2 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 10
24 hrs
Light Schedule
10+ conditions after
Alaska Fish Fertilizer 5-1-1
3 ml/l
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom
3.963 mll
Tiger Bloom - Fox Farm
Tiger Bloom
3.963 mll
1+ nutrients after
Commented by
StinkyBudz StinkyBudz
2 years ago
10/12 - Water (Ph'd to 6.8) and 7.5ml/gal of cal-mag. Looking pretty good after adding worm castings as a top dressing two days ago. The color is coming back to Plant B, and the others are looking great. 10/13 - Took some pictures and adjusted lights to about 850 PPFD at 12". Plant B still showing signs of nute deficiency this late into flower. Sugar leaves looking great, optimistic about bud development. Pistils continue shoot out, so not sure how much longer. That may be a (dis)advantage of the 7 gallon AirPots? Bigger pot, bigger bud, longer time to harvest. Nutes tomorrow. She'll be aight. The other 3 plants still lag about 12 days behind. More details in previous weeks notes regarding the difference in 1 and 3 plants. #2MoreWeeks #MoreCalMag 😐 10/16 - Added Alaska Fish Fertilizer to some Ph'd water and fed Plant B. She continues to need more nutes, what a hungry gal. At this point, I'm going to add water only as a flush and let her run her course. Chop in under two weeks on her. 10/17 - 70 Days from sprout today. No chop in site. Plant B's colas are starting to fatten up, finally. More food and increased intensity on the TS1000, give her what she needs or kill her trying. Ph'd water.
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Grow Questions
StinkyBudzstarted grow question 2 years ago
Got me some pale green leaves on my Plant B, the most mature of the 4 Amnesia Haze Autos by Barney’s Farm. She’s been showing signs of improvement, then back to pale. I believe she’s needing more nutes than I’m providing. I add cal-mag to the water, but I wonder if it’s fade?
Leaves. Color - Pale
1 like
Organomananswered grow question 2 years ago
Yep hungry........give them a dose ot two of half strength grow nutrients instead of your bloom nutrients, then go back to the bloom nutrients. Cal/mag is not a fertilizer, just a supplement and won't fix the yellowing.

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THCanbisGrowercommentedweek 02 years ago
good luck and happy growing buddy.
NlBushDoctorcommentedweek 42 years ago
Looking good
DreamITcommentedweek 02 years ago
Enjoy growth mate 🍀🤘🦄
Metatronixcommentedweek 02 years ago
All the best to your new girls on thier journey to frostines 🌱💚🍅
Doktorhollandcommentedweek 102 years ago
U cut main colas ?
StinkyBudzcommented2 years ago
@Doktorholland,I topped these Amnesia Haze Autos at the 5/6 node no other topping has been performed.
SirSalamicommentedweek 112 years ago
Congrats! Looks like a great haul so-far. With luck, and if mine ends up anything like yours, it seems I may have a larger plant to look forward to than I anticipated. 😅 If you get some time and could give my grow another look, I'd really appreciate it as there are some concerns I talk about in the diary I'm hoping I'm just paranoid about. Enjoy your harvest!
cannapassioncommentedweek 42 years ago
The best for the futur 🤛🌱
SgtDoofycommentedweek 142 years ago
Hello. May I ask why you wanted to change nutrients next time? Thanks
StinkyBudzcommented2 years ago
@SgtDoofy, FOXfarm nutes are fine. They’re plenty strong. They’re pricey. My recommendation is use half strength for your autos. I’ve over fed my plants on every grow at least once, and it’s a set back. Use GH or FF, you’ll be fine. Others are also fine, just heed the warnings about full strength. Good luck.
SgtDoofycommented2 years ago
@@StinkyBudz, was it not strong enough?
StinkyBudzcommented2 years ago
@SgtDoofy, I used Fox Farm trio for my first few grows. Needed to try something different
Canna96commentedweek 142 years ago
Very nice auto grow! I always liked several smaller lights to move as necessary....
Bucciaraticommentedweek 142 years ago
Wow thats amazing strech work. Love it. I think, if you'll use some flowering nutrients from fox farm like a sesame, beastie bloom and for ripening chichang with fox farm basic nutrients you have use in this grow, results geting better.
GuniGugucommentedweek 142 years ago
Hi, congratulations for beautiful crop! I'm new to this craft and started with Amnesia Haze Auto. I thought that it should be finished in 11 weeks, but I see your Amnesia beauties done at 14 week. Would you be so kind and check my Amnesia from photos from my diary ( in 9 week, the 2 photos named "End 9 Week" at suggest me, how long should I continue, so I'll know when to start flushing. Thank you in advance!
CannbellFarmscommentedweek 112 years ago
Best of luck Growing Brother! 🌱💪