Day 84
Lemon 1
Purple buds, more sativa looking , like pointy bullets
Lemon 2
Green buds, nice coating of crystals on them. Chunkier more indica like in appearance
Lemon 3
Really big and nice solid structure, about 4 weeks into flower now I think, top dressed today with kelp, guano, worm castings and bone meal
Six shooter
Lst working fairly well, doesn't seem to stretch as much as I'd like it to....
Top dressed with the above too.
In my last grow 30% of FB second wave went very stupid, it took 3 seeds almost 10 days longer to show up. they showed up with overwatering signs by then, had to nurce them a lot for next few weeks, they still ended up in nice small bushes, but time was lost ...
3 strains , 3 late one, one medium, from 9 seeds.
Give them time and good luck in new journey !