Hi guys,
...10 days later :P
So it's been a bit more than a week but I already see how the plants in hydro respond to organic nutrients + I can see under the hood aka see their roots and it's not the nicest look because the residue is sticking to the roots like glue and make it a lot more difficult to absorb Vital Minerals (in case you didn't know that's what's called vitamins ;) )
All plants in Coco+Perlite (which is also considered hydro but we'll call it soil for now) are already bigger which should normally be the exact opposite case if there was no issue with the residue in the hydro reservoir.
Karel's Herer Haze had the smallest roots thus far and she took the most hit because of it. I have no idea if I can bring them back on track, it's definitely going to be a challenge but I decided to start another backup run of the hydro beans just in case. If I can bring them to full happiness, I'll dump the backups (probably).
I decided to take out each plant from the hydro setup and try to carefully wash off as much of the gluey residue of the roots with a stream of bubbly water. Hopefully I won't shock them as much, they survive and we live another happy day :P If it's too much for them, then well, I tried my best but I'm on the optimistic side so everything is going to be great :D
Stay tuned because that's going to be a rescue mission of a lifetime :D
BTW. I'll be posting an all around overview over the next couple of weeks because it's still to early to focus on each and every strain.