
lemon and diesel little guy

Approved by Super Sativa Seed Club
2 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 1
18 hrs
Light Schedule
10+ conditions after
Commented by
Dgessy Dgessy
2 years ago
La semaine c'est bien passé, la petite pousse bien. Arrosage à l'eau seulement.
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Grow Questions
Dgessystarted grow question 2 years ago
Salut les amis, je voudrais savoir quand defolier une autofloraison pour faire profiter les buds secondaire de plus de lumière ? Sans pour autant nuire à la croissance. Merci
Techniques. Defoliation
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Anonymous_2022answered grow question 2 years ago
Hi there Ideally you dont want to do much to Autos i would only take off leaves if really necessary, Try to pin back/move out the way the bigger fan leaves if covering lower bud sites.. If they really are stopping alot of light getting to new growth take them off .. but be selective you don’t want to slowdown growth, Best of luck 🌱
Dgessystarted grow question 2 years ago
Bonjour, je suis pas certain du soucis de la plante ? Une idée ?
Leaves. Color - Mottling
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GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 2 years ago
Classic potassium deficiency... These ladies are in flower now and no longer need only grow nutes... you need to start your bloom nutes, like now... I would also worry at this point, since you've been giving them only grow nutes, that you've created a nitrogen toxicity which will lockout other nutes such as calcium... so flush your plant - 3x the pot volume of pH'd water but into that last bit of water, add some bloom nutes only... then let her dry out. When you resume watering/feeding, if you feel you MUST give her grow nutes, only give about 1/4 strength and really pump the bloom nutes. A PK booster would also be very good to add in... Good luck

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SSSC_Johncommentedweek 32 years ago
Auto Bruce Lemon Diesel won 2nd price at the Copa Cata Cordoba in Argentina! 😁
Dgessycommented2 years ago
@AsNoriu, Merci beaucoup pour l'information, je prends note et vais commencer très bientôt l'entraînement.
AsNoriucommented2 years ago
@Dgessy, then you should slow down nutes, use fat soft wires and tuck leaves ;) you can do some clearing like in the link ill show, but you have to feed right and give humidity very good if you harm auto. better all job be done before watering her, when pot is dry. without big harm you open canopy. if you do any harm its always better at the end of second week of flower, till then let her go. If you will only LST her - you can start any second. Happy Growing !!!
Dgessycommented2 years ago
@AsNoriu, sa encourage à faire de sont mieux quand on est scruté par la maison 😊
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Captensmokeycommentedweek 02 years ago
It's going to be good I love seeds from super sativa seed club bt
Captensmokeycommented2 years ago
@Dgessy,Yes are good species. And beautiful plants 😚😊👌
Dgessycommented2 years ago
@Captensmokey, je n'est jamais testé leurs graines, mais à en croire les commentaires elles sont de super qualités 👍💪😁
Kolibricommentedweek 12 years ago
Schöne und kräftige Pflanze! Viel Glück mit dem Grow!
SSSC_Johncommentedweek 02 years ago
Good luck and have fun, happy growing!
homerjgangiacommentedweek 02 years ago
Good luck with your grow mate!💪💪
AsNoriucommentedweek 52 years ago
excess of nitrogen, ph swing . those two caused calcium absorption issue. Could be you are adding wind damage to them too, strange curl and dry off, think its aftermath of too intense fan blowing on girl.
Dgessycommented2 years ago
@AsNoriu, j'essaie de faire de mon mieux, car après tout se sont des êtres vivant aussi. Autant que leurs durée de vie assez courtes soit meilleur que possible 😊 Un grand merci pour tes conseils qui me seront très utiles. Je mettrai les photos de ses sœurs un peu plus tard. Sûrement quand la récolte sera effectué. Tu verra la différence 🤔
AsNoriucommented2 years ago
@Dgessy, i tried this too, but honestly letting pot dry out and watering then, with run off saves you more and allows less damage to be done. if you go your friends way - in soil - never go below or above 6.0-6.8. But that way could lead to other build ups or lockouts, tricky way, especially if meter is lying again... Some plants are bigger and used excess, this one got into shock early. Plant looked nice, no doubts you give love and attention, that's why i want to help or advice or show you my ways in such situation ...
Dgessycommented2 years ago
@AsNoriu, un ami m'a conseillé de mettre un ph moins de 6 vu que mon arrosage avez un ph trop élevé. Faire sa sur 2 arrosage afin que le terreau reprennes un bon ph plus vite. Pour lui cette solution semble être la meilleur. Et INVERSEMENT si le ph est trop faible. Cela marche pour lui. Je n'ai jamais essayé pour l'instant. Merci beaucoup pour vôtre aide cela va beaucoup m'aider par la suite. Mes 2 autres plantes sont bien plus grande et se portent bien.
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HAPPYWEEDScommentedweek 92 years ago
It looks hard as a rock! Congrats on your work mate (=
Dgessycommented2 years ago
@HappyWeeds, merci beaucoup, elle n'est pas très grosse mais extrêmement Compact 🤤
DEEGREENcommentedweek 92 years ago
GreenGlowescommentedweek 22 years ago
Good luck with your gro! 😎