12/13 - all caught up sorry about that. So all the problems I had seemed to have corrected themselves when i finally went full organic. I also screwed up when adding Dolomite Lime too quick causing a pH swing. I think my main problem was the "transition in thinking" you undergo (maybe it's just me) when going from synthetic to organic nutrients. I think I understand now. The plants have recovered to the point that all are flowering YAY! I did see them "kind of fix themselves" once I backed away a bit. Essentially I stopped telling them what to eat and let them decide for themselves. Organic is kind of you provide what you think they need in a raw form and then it decides what it wants to breakdown and eat, and when. Kinda like being at a buffet and choosing to eat what you want, need, or what you just have a taste for - and how much of each! The plant knows better than I that's for sure. I don't know but I think this is major progress in my journey. Not sure about the end result of this grow but things are looking a lot better than they did 3 weeks ago! Oh and I'm now pHing with Lemon Juice. Sorry for rambling...
I see you are saying you have low PH.. you are testing it with a soil PH tester right. And not one for solutions. As soil will be like a massive filter and will take all the goodness out of your water. (Therefore the low PH) you don't have any ph issues from what I can see. Good luck.
@gottagrowsometime, Thanks for your interest! So I had some runoff from a watering and decided to measure it. Came in at 5.6 - growth had pretty much stopped already and had overall yellowing. Had this in my last grow too. I had been pHing my water and or nutrient solution to around 6.3. As a test I flushed the one in question and got the runoff to 6.0 then i stopped. Too much wasted water. Therefore will probably not flush anymore... Fix it in other ways... Cheers!
@amsterdammarijuanaseeds, thanks for the great genetics! Also looks like the Widows are gonna be Xtremely big! Just topped them for the first time yesterday.