Welcome to my Mimosa X orange punch Auto Diary, sponsored my barneysfarm.
Pre Flower Days 1-7 Days 29-35
Doing really well. Seems like my cheap CO2 set in explosive growth. I had my exhaust set on a timer... the intake comes on for 5mins out of every hr. I Was running it like that for pre flower days 2 onwards and you can see the growth. Was great. But sadly, my intake failed on me. And nearly destroyed my whole crop. The cheap co2 bags that are meant to last 2 months. Were used up in 1 week. And she had no Co2 additives for 1 day and was left running hot. I should of noticed the smell. But, I was trying to not open my tents as much as possible. I know, I don't have a very high ppfd light. But to save money. I'm running a higher co2 environment so I can grow longer without having to use my dehumidifier and AC. As my electric bill for 2 months was 300+e as opposed to the 170e. So, am going to run a higher co2 environment which, should allow me to get away without running my equipment less. And thus far, is its worked fine. But, missed a few things. And now I've added my live compost and the bioenhancer with the temperature. The soil is picking up diseases from the larva much easier. This plant has pocked up very random leaf spots. And when I scoped them with my 150x scope..I seen microbial life. I don't know what it is. But, exhaust and all set up again. I've sealed my grow up. And added more co2 exhale bags outside the tent, hopefully this will raise the co2 ppm inside the grow room. You have to have temps in 28-30c for these bags to work. They are cheap. I'm going to invest in a bottle system when I have my attic fully converted and sensors and fail safes incase of a valve failure. You have to be very careful when using co2. Its a silent killer. I've order 2 arnet co2 monitors. And am going to hook up a sealed room. With hard exhaust fans. Going to take some time to setup. So for now. My girls will be ran on cheap (but safe) co2 exhale bags.
Going to give her 7 more days. And start to do some hard training and a mid defoloate to open up bud sites.
Have started her on hybrid powder and coming into this week, she'll be also started on the 0-30-25 NPK bloom booster. For now though. She's doing well. Hopefully I'll sort this disease out. I've dosed her with a 1/5 h202 6%/water 500ml. Sprayed the plant. And then dumped half onto the soil. And sprayed down all others. And did the soil also lighter with same mix. Plants have been confined do the same tents. Trying to minimise the spread of Gnats. I got a new wave with my .75 tiny/rare pot and also has picked up same disease. As I feared.
Will report further if anything happens when I update on the next week. Doing all diaries week by week now. So, you are all a week behind in what I have going on. Too many diaries..16, hopefully I'll find my 2-3 strains I'm wanting to max on. At the moment I'm strain hunting.
Thanks to my sponsor barneysfarm..marshydro light sadly had to be pult from 4 of these autos. Just until I get things settled back down with gnats.