My brother has taken over caring for these as I have a run currently going to flower next week. They were given a liquid nutrient feed today because he noticed the plants were growing slowly and looking a little sad. The problem resolved itself when he raised the lights because the issue was the lights were actually too powerful for the young plants (Bahama Mama). He may have turned down the power too, but I am not 100%. They look great and hopefully will be in flower soon. Now the lights are about 24 inches from the canopy and everything is looking great!
@MrMayhem1134, Thank you 💚, and yeah, SBR is a great strain. I did let them veg too long, though, and they streeeeeeeeeeeeetched a lot in flower so I ran out of room. I will take better care with proper training next time! 😁
@love_2_grow, much appreciated as always bro. Seen you grew sugar black rose! I love that strain and have been checking out your grow journal. Super detailed man great job!!!