
15 Plants 500 Grams

7 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 3
20 hrs
Light Schedule
6+ conditions after
3+ nutrients after
Commented by
54lvlO 54lvlO
8 years ago
They are 14 days from seed and i'm thinking about giving them more nutes because some of the leaves turned yellow and they seem hungry to me. 3 of them was slow on growth so i raised them to the light. Also one of them is still on recovery because of low humidity i put a dome on it for now but i just got a humidifier and planning to remove it immediately. I will get rid of some of the plants to save space but for now i'm using them to test nutes. I'll feed them first and if it's all good i'll feed the others in the same way. Hope they double their sizes this week and get into pre-flowering asap.
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JUNGLE_B4RNScommentedweek 127 years ago
If you start flushing you can pH up your water to 8 / 8.5 . Mold is a kind of microscopic mushroom, it's a parasite, it feeds itself with the chlorophyll , and it can't live on a basic environment, switching your water pH from a acid to a base will avoid getting mold ☝️ You can have a happy growing now 😉 P.S: Normally Autoflowering are supposed to be strong enough against mold with Ruderalis traits P.P.S: Don't worry for your pH , pH lock out does not exist trust me !
54lvlOcommented7 years ago
@nicogm, it really helped thanks mate really appreciate that
nicogmcommented7 years ago
@54lvlO, Actually sativas are known for having less concentration of CBD and CBN than indicas (thats the reason why sativas are associated with cerebral highs and indicas with physical ones). Anyway, nowadays. due to all the genetic manipulation, all cannabinoids are present on both families and that's why I believe it is wrong to keep that sativa=cerebral and indica=physical stereotype. If you want cerebral highs you can find it in sativa dominant strains (like Amnesia, Mexican Airlines, Tangie'matic or Sour Diesel) or in indica dominant strains (like LSD 25, Lemon Juice or Malana Bomb). For cerebral highs you will want to harvest with most trichomes cloudy or milky and for physical effects, you will want almost all of the trichomes amber. Hope it helps :)
54lvlOcommented7 years ago
@nicogm, thank you mate so you are saying CBN & CBD fits sativas more also they take longer to finish anyway.(at least amnesia xxl, OG is 70 days also yields less)
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54lvlOcommentedweek 38 years ago
Thank you mate i hope so :)
StrainHunteTRcommented8 years ago
@54lvlO, keyifli hasatlar dostum, bende sıcaklık sorunu yaşamıştım çadır kullanırken, mobil klima ile çözdüm işi :)
54lvlOcommented8 years ago
@StrainHunteTR, Teşekkürler, 600 w yakıyorum superlumende. 140x140x200 ve tek çadır evet. ilk girişimim olduğu için bitkileri fazla tuttum. Havalar bu sıralar biraz kötü olduğu için 24/0 kullanıyorum sıcaklığı korumak için.
StrainHunteTRcommented8 years ago
@54lvlO, Güzel gidiyor kaç w ışık yakıyorsun? çadır kaça kaç tek çadır mı kullanıyorsun?
CANNASIMcommentedweek 118 years ago
This buds look massive bro! Very good harvests too! Well done! 👊👍 Happy growing!
CANNASIMcommented8 years ago
@54lvlO, 👊👊 there will be! cheers!
54lvlOcommented8 years ago
@CANNASIM, thank you bro hope you get better ones and you too
Shishkinncommentedweek 127 years ago
Very good!
54lvlOcommented7 years ago
@Shishkinn, Thank you mate
tazeecommentedweek 97 years ago
ooo mamaaa
54lvlOcommented7 years ago
@tazee, mamamiiaaa bruddaaaa
CANNASIMcommentedweek 127 years ago
Buds ended up massive! Very good results! 👏👏
54lvlOcommented7 years ago
@CANNASIM, thank you mate
54lvlOcommentedweek 107 years ago
Oradan almak daha mantıklı benim bi parti gümrüğe takıldı akibeti meçhul fazla adetli almazsan valizde sorun yaşayacağını sanmam
JUNGLE_B4RNScommentedweek 127 years ago
A half Kg , very nice work 👍
54lvlOcommented7 years ago
@JUNGLE_B4RNS, hahaha you are right about that but i dont think that i can smoke them all until my next harvest. I'll spare some for smoking till next harvest and cure the rest at least a few months. Maybe i'll save them until newyear. Wonder how they gonna do after a long cure.
JUNGLE_B4RNScommented7 years ago
@54lvlO,Boveda packs are excellent 👌 Just change them when they get hard. You will loose just a lil bit a weight , but usually big smokers get rid of the bag before 😅
54lvlOcommented7 years ago
@JUNGLE_B4RNS, hope i'll get more with even few plants this time. 500 grams on their optimum curing RH which has been said is %62 and also i put 8 gr %62 Boveda humidipacks in jars. They wont lose weight i think this is the final weight am i right?
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JUNGLE_B4RNScommentedweek 108 years ago
54lvlOcommented8 years ago
@JUNGLE_B4RNS, its already too humid in here so i have to manicure them to dry faster already but don't know that sugar leaves do that. They were all covered with shiny trichs god knows i would love to keep them but its too late. Thanks for the heads up anyway i'll try it on my late harvests. some say it make smoke harsher but comparing to what we used to smoke till now its gonna feel like paradise :) oh i also keeping those sweet sugar leaves for bubble hash. Already got 2 liters jar fully pressed with them.
JUNGLE_B4RNScommented8 years ago
@54lvlO,you have to let them dry before manicure to let the sugar leaves do their job bro 😉
54lvlOcommented8 years ago
@JUNGLE_B4RNS, thank you mate they smell like cucumber and grass combined right now but i hope it will change in the meantime :) dont know that clorophyl fucks up their odor that much 😁
HeavendlyExpresscommentedweek 127 years ago
you sure this was your first grow? great job buds look great
54lvlOcommented7 years ago
@HeavendlyExpress, Thank you mate and yes it was my first grow but i have been seriously interested in growing a year or more. it was easier than it seems tbh :)
Necoesatesatcommentedweek 107 years ago
Peki valizde tohumlar bulunursa gümrük memurlarıyla nasıl bir sorun yaşarım,hakkım da işlem yapılır mı ve senin tohumlar gümrükte takılınca ismini de belirtiysen eğer sorun yaşadın mı? Bu arada maddi problemim yok,eğer Türkiye gümruğün de problem yaşamadıysan zarf usulü birkaç tohum bankasından sipariş veririm kafam rahat olur.işlem yapılıyor mu tohum benim adıma gelince
54lvlOcommented7 years ago
@Necoesatesat, dinafemden sipariş ver geliyor
DabCrabcommentedweek 127 years ago
Still even after the voting of last month I come to check out the grow! I'd love to see another 15 plants from you!
54lvlOcommented7 years ago
@DabCrab, thank you very much mate im really flattered but this time im going with 9 to take care of them better :)
PaulWoodcommentedweek 127 years ago
Really beautiful buds!! Great first grow.
54lvlOcommented7 years ago
@PaulWood, thank you very much
Necoesatesatcommentedweek 107 years ago
auto feminized v.s.bunlardan hangilerini almak gerekiyor %lik oranlar da daha fazla sativa olmak kaydı ile hangi cins tohumlar almak gerekiyor
54lvlOcommented7 years ago
@Necoesatesat, Bilgilerinde Sativa dominant yazan auto feminized'lardan alabilirsiniz. Auto takriben 2-3 haftada otomatik çiçeklenmeyi, feminized da dişileştirilmiş olduklarını ifade eder. Amnesia, Sour Diesel, Dinamex, Haze gibi türleri deneyebilirsiniz.
CBD_Swedencommentedweek 107 years ago
I like the outcome and its looking great. Nice pics and a pleasant diaries, ill follow you.
54lvlOcommented7 years ago
@CBD_Sweden, thank you mate i appreciate that hope we all get better in the meantime.
Necoesatesatcommentedweek 118 years ago
Türkçe bilen arkadaşlar;siteyi kullanmayı özel msj yollamayı bilmiyorum...40 yaşındayım sokaktaki fısfısçı zibidilerden zehirli ürünlerden beni uzak tutmanız için affınıza sığınıyorum!sadece küçük ve tek bir sorunum var.iletişim kurabilir miyiz
54lvlOcommented8 years ago
@Necoesatesat, alışveriş yok ama yetiştirme için yardımcı olurum.
JUNGLE_B4RNScommentedweek 108 years ago
One more down 👍😉
54lvlOcommented8 years ago
@JUNGLE_B4RNS, yeah mate 7 gone 8 more to go :)
nicogmcommentedweek 108 years ago
Quite a variety you have over there. Congrats!
54lvlOcommented8 years ago
@nicogm, thank you mate its my first grow so i tried to have some different strains for experience.
Euruscommentedweek 98 years ago
Dostum tebrikler!Neredeyse bitmiş.Gayet sağlıklı ve şişkin gözüküyorlar.Ayın growunda oy verirsen sevinirim.👍
54lvlOcommented8 years ago
@Eurus, Teşekkür ederim, tabi ki veririm ve umarım kazanırsın
JUNGLE_B4RNScommentedweek 88 years ago
Hmmmm must smell good in here 😊
54lvlOcommented8 years ago
@JUNGLE_B4RNS,pretty much mate i cant imagine drying after harvest :)