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I will give a small back story but the real story here will be told from the plants perspective thru music. The most fitting song for the week will be edited down to the most relevant part and I will keep it under 1 min the best I can. I want it to be fast moving and entertaining not long and stupid and irritating.
So....this was a cut I was experimenting with cuz I didnt need it and may have even been trying to kill it just a little. I'll spare the longwinded story. Too cold, too dry, light burn, neglect, over watering, misdiagnosis, nutrient burn, unsalvageable material, scissors, 1 yellowing leaf with just a little bit of green left sparked my interest. Thus begins the legend of the 1 Leaf Wonder....
Just started turning the corner then went downhill again. Can this underdog hold on for 1 more post in week 4? We will see on this weeks 1Leaf Wonder, stay tuned.
Earlier this week our very own sidelibe reporter Lyetah Nutherwon was able to catch up with the clone 1Leaf aka The 1, and discuss the plants recent success. We will now take you there live, to the transcript of that interview
L..N.:"So 1 Leaf, what has been the key to your recent success?"
1: "I think the biggest keys have been taking advantage of light and nutrients while also making sure i stay well hydrated."
L.N.: "How has all the success changed your life and is it hard not to let it go to your head?"
1: "Nah it doesnt go to my head cuz Im pretty much topped all the way around. I believe its important to stay in touch with your roots and remember where you came from. What makes you who you are. I had a rough dome life growing up and like to stay in touch with that part of me and use it as motivation.
L.N. "motivation for what? What would you like to change?"
1: "I don't want young clones growing up feeling the way I felt. Indica, Sativa, Hybrid....we're all the same genus. Indoor plants...outdoor plants....we all need to come together. We dont have to agree about everything just respect one another regardless of what color our leaves are, the spectrum we prefer, whether or not we are foliated or defoliated, nutrient burned or nutrient deficient."
L.N. "That sounds down right reasonable 1 Leaf. You should probably be ruler of the universe. What about all the strainists and haters? If plants want something to blindly hate then why not just hate seedling molesters? Just cuz an indica or a sativa wronged you doesnt mean they all will. There's good and bad phenotypes of all strains....but there aren't any good seedling molesters. So let's all just hate them instead.
L.N.: "That might be the most logical thing I've ever heard. That's fantastic. So how do u want to finish your career?"
1: "My ultimate goal is to get into flower and become a legendary bud and resin producer. That's my dream. Then once I'm done with the flower game, I want to be rolled up into a big ol' hooter, light me up and pass my ass around the world so everybody can get lit together and stop being dicks to each other. Then I want somebody to make Beans a big ass sandwich."👍
Wow....powerful stuff right there. I'd like to put that in my pipe and smoke it. That concludes this weeks edition of Legend of the 1Leaf Wonder. Tune in next week and find out what kind of sandwiches Beans prefers.
1 Leaf is obviously 1 tough customer....but is he tough enough? Can he hang with the present level of toughness he possesses? Watch and find out! (apparently my plant thinks it's a dude)
Defoliated pretty heavily toward the end of the week. partly to try to stunt growth a bit but also promote more growth once it kicks in. Got a log jam going in my flower tent and not sure what to do. May just designate 3 mothers then cram 3 in to flower in a few weeks when its opened up. This is what happens when you feel like you cant throw away anything that might be clone-able. I've gotten past it thankfully and learned a lesson in how to time things next time.
Trained hard AF this week. Couldnt have done it without the help of my man apollo creed and rocky's face. The real credit belongs to the montage though. Without it we would still be watching rocky II wondering who was gonna win.
Leaf is back in action! Just enjoying life and doing things how I want, when I want. Cant let the everyday grind consume u and forget to have have fun. There will always be work to do but fun comes and goes. Dont let the man hold u down, Be the man that holds it down. Just do what u do and to those who dont like tell em I said F@#$ YOU haha...DAMN IT FEELS GOOD TO PLANTSTA!
HELP!!!!!! My roommate went crazy and i think hes planning to kill me and smoke me!!! I'm not even bullshitting right now!! He has been depriving me of food off and on for weeks to see how little he can feed me before I get sick. This motherfucker has me tied up in a closet right now! Thats not even the worst part, he comes in and cuts my leaves off....MY LEAVES MAN😢! So please please please help me!!!! Theres no telling what kind of weird shit hes gonna do to me next. I never even got to flower man it cant end this way!!!! Oh shit here he comes🤫................"IT PUTS THE BUD SITES ON ITS STEMS, OR ELSE IT LOSES LEAVES AGAIN"
Man I had the weirdest dream...and for some reason I wanna put lotion into baskets...🤔. Anyway I'm probably just stressed out cuz beans said I need to start paying rent. It's hard to get a job as a plant so I'm getting desperate. He said I owe him $50,000 a month/friend price. Seems high but it is a pretty luxurious closet. It even has clothes in it. I'm about to go hit the streets and try to hustle up that cash but if anybody wants to help by donating a lot of $ to my cause 'Feed the Leaf' here's my link. Anything helps... God Bless (blessing is given by the God of your choice but is redeemable at any God's location)
Sorry I was traveling the globe with my new charitable organization i founded called "Smite the Mite" trying to help those in need of some mite smiting. Those little bastards are everywhere! Did u know they have mites in Antarctica too? They have their little pervert parties on penguins and eat dead ski off them...that's nasty as hell! Possibly not true as well... cuz I just made that up as I went. It could very well be a scientific fact too. 1 discovered by the Smite the Mite Foundation and is now the intellectual property of yours truly. So forget it immediately or pay me!
This week I'd like to dedicate my growth to beans sister, who would've had a birthday if she was still with us. I day I caught him laughing his ass off for no apparent reason like he lost his damn mind. It turned out he was thinking about this time she was super sun burned and she dropped her ice cream and cried. So we are gonna watch some kids drop their ice cream and cry while listening to her favorite band, Guns n Rose's.
(Keep in mind she was 11 years older than beans and tormented him every chance she got. Also she was probably 19 at the time of her incident.)
Get me out of this tiny tent! I'm like 10lbs of shit in a 5lb bag.. and I got a funny feeling in my special parts. I just wanna bud repeatedly and rub pollen all over them. I got major blue buds and need to come to fruition asap.
Finally got my release date! A few days and I'm gonna be outta this bitch. Free to flower like a fucking monster after all this're all in major motherfuckin trouble now. I'm about to go ape shit on everybody💲🖕💥🍽️💩
Leaf cheated death 1 more time. Went outta town and my plant sitter flaked. Came home to a wilted almost dead 1 leaf and hadn't even been in the flower tent for a whole week. Seems to be ok now. As far as living or dying. Probably completely fucked my yield I'm imagining. So many dead leaves. That's why I hadn't updated. He didnt want u guys to see him like that and I didnt wanna waste the time if he didnt make it.
Been unable to log in for weeks, I apologize to those who were patiently waiting and probably thought I wasnt gonna finish. I just condensed the last 4 or so weeks into 1 video then ill do 1 maybe 2 more and that'll be the end to this abomination lol. I had a rough 2nd half to this 1 which is partly why I fell behind and couldnt ever catch up, also it ended up being much more involved than I had originally planned and I didnt have the time. Sorry i blew it but I hope you guys at least got a couple laughs out of it. That's what 1 leaf is all about. Good times with good people✌️
Well this was certainly an unexpected journey. Who wouldve thought a shitty little cutting I was planning on letting die would end up making it and becoming an international superstar? Life is a crazy game lol. Let's take a look back on the life of the plant, the myth and the legend of the 1 Leaf Wonder. RIP LEAF! U were the realest plant to ever have an imaginary personality! u will get smoked....I will forget shit....but u will not be forgotten lol🙏✌️✊
I've grown this strain in every batch I've grown so far. Its quality smoke, easy to grow and doesnt get very big. If growing in a tent 6ft or taller, not much is needed if anything to keep it from getting to tall. For me it seems to be multifunctional, I can smoke it and work around the house or I can smoke it and lay there doing nothing.
Well this was long strange trip with 1 leaf lol. Started as an extra cutting I was experimenting with to see just how much abuse it could take before it died. I put it in my big tent from day 1, never misted or covered it and pretty much treated it like it was mature plant. It lost all its leaves but 1 and I had removed all the dead material so all that remained was 1 leaf with some green in between all the yellow. It didnt appear to have anywhere to sprout new growth, all the nodes were barren with nothing but dried up brown nubs then I decided I wanted to try to save it and I was curious if it would grow or just remain a stem and 1 leaf. I was burnt out on all the data input and pic downloading and wanted to screw around and do something fun that didnt end up feeling like a chore. For the most part I succeeded although some of those videos took me forever lol. I had never done anything like that before and that wasnt my original plan. I just started screwing around and 1 thing led to another and here we are. Hope everybody who followed along enjoyed it and I hope anybody watching in the future at least gets a couple laughs out of it. That's what this random collection of nonsense was all about...just trying to have some fun and get a few laughs along the way.
It was a rough journey this week for me and 1 Leaf. The video took me hours to make and it's kinda fitting cuz I had been torturing the poor fella a bit. looking to find the line on nutes. also cut out a ton of growth from the middle in a mite induced paranoia accompanied with a bit of log jammed flower tent so I'm trying to keep height super low. I wanted to veg leaf for a few more weeks but that means he'd have to wait for another full flower cycle before before he'd get his turn..............................Should the 1 serve another term in veg? That's like 4-5 more months of 1Leaf wonderment. Is the world prepared for such a thing?
Thank you for that great finale.... for entertainiment,,, and giving me hope,,,,,,,if i messup i just think to the one leaf plant who did it and went brilliant in the end
@Mrs_Larimar, thanks, that's awesome! Probably the best tribute to leaf that anybody could've given. Thanks for the support, Leaf never wouldve made it without u guys cheering him on. I will now blaze 1 up for u in honor of the Leaf✌️
@The_Projexx, thank you! Sorry I've been slacking on keeping up. Went out of town and my plant sitter flaked on me so I came home to an almost dead 1 leaf. Was looking really rough, didnt want to show the leaf all sickly and sad.
Maybe some positive Affirmation helps you to get through your "mistakes" Say every morning loud on the mirror to yourself " I deserve it to grow Wonderful , rich Flowering weed" have a nice Day
@Mrs_Larimar, positivity is always a positive! That was meant in a deep, philosophical way....not a schnozberries tasting like schnozberries kind of way. Lol
@TomatoloverBoy, I wanna try to grow it into an absolute monster and bud it by itself in my 4x4. I feel like that would have to be some kind of record or something. Lol
@CRiSPrGrow, I think I may have new theme and go back and add to previous weeks. Hopefully gonna get the new week up tonight but itll be several hours. I'm too damn busy and its exhausting lol
@CRiSPrGrow, I'm glad somebody is getting some entertainment out of it. I was getting burned out on keeping up on my diaries and being serious about everything all the time and wanted to just fuck off and have fun with 1. I'm not a very serious person so it was kinda feeling like another job. Jobs are gross. Lol
@CRiSPrGrow, that wasnt exactly the direction I intended to go when I started writing that. I like to just start going and see what happens. It usually amuses me and that's what really counts lol
@Mrs_Larimar, I was really struggling to come up with something the last couple weeks. I think having to wait so long to flower has something to do with it. I'm over veg and ready for flower. I'm totally out of room in there and can't believe the light isn't burning the hell out of it.
@Mrs_Larimar, sorry I've been slacking and keeping u guys waiting. Been super busy, then I got sick, and i couldnt come up with any good ideas either. Sometimes i guess you just gotta throw something out there even if it's not your best work lol
@CRiSPrGrow, im good. My mom moved then I've been dealing with getting all her stuff ready to ship. Had company last weekend then I got the flu....just dumb life stuff lol.
@CRiSPrGrow, sorry bro I finally got a new 1 up. Had to make up some time cuz I'm 2wks behind. Hopefully gonna get to move to the flower tent in 2 weeks.
@CRiSPrGrow, thanks, I had a hard time settling on a song and idea for it. Was gonna do something totally different the night before when my phone wouldn't work. I dont think I'm gonna go back and edit the previous weeks. I'd like to but I dont think I can make enough time.
@CRiSPrGrow, yeah idk phone just quit making noise of any kind then randomly started working again. Hopefully it keeps it up. I'll try to get the current week done soon and get caught up
@OutForReal, thanks! It has been more difficult than I thought it would. I gotta figure out something for this last week. I'll pull something outta my ass in the next couple days lol
hahahaha....... thy shes looking soooo beautiful..... i got to take some lessons in training. those days i grow my first photo indoors,, iam quite excited...but in the end everything will be fine. your one leaf wonder is the proof
@Mrs_Larimar, definitely GD's little miracle hahaha. I think I'm getting the hang of this growing thing tho. My next diaries should have respectable results. I'm about 2 weeks away from harvest on 1 then 3 on the other. Once a spot opens up leaf gets to be a grown up lol.
@MaryJaneUSA, thank u. I desperately need my girls in my flower tent to finish getting ready and get outta there so 1 can get Leaf in there flowering. Maxed out on height and then some. Got like maybe 9 inches between canopy and light. My littles are all squished in the other half too. Rookie mistake....that's what I get for being a rookie I guess lol