The cookies is now a fatty, bushy plant, super healthy with intense colors. No signs of stress, nutrients excess or deficiency, pest or diseases : first stage complete!
Flowering cycle (12/12) is engaged since 3 days after 53 days of vegetation.
The enriched soil was enough to feed the plant during the 8 weeks: added just frequently a Root Booster and a few ml of BioGrow. The way to give a major part of the elements needed for the plant in enriched soil is more easy for me. This method is more practical : less danger of nutrients excess, less time spend with complex mixture each watering ⚗️🌡️💉😩, cheaper.
Used mostly solid organic nutrients mixed with the soil, waiting 4 weeks (daily mixed) before using: bonemeal, bloodmeal, bat guano, seaweed powder, Lombric compost.
Watering each 2 days around 40cl of: Calmag + Root Booster + rain water
: Rain water
: Calmag + Root Booster + rain water
Added on the top of the soil 3 tablespoons of guano powder: GuanoDiff Bloom NPK 3/6/10
Buy some Palm Tree Ashes for the second stage of flowering.