Kannabia Seed Company , Sativa Dream
Hi y'all 👋 that's week one on 12/12 light schedule, no flowers but I do see a pubic hair or two here n there 😉 they are stretching though and if you look at the two big girls in the middle they were the reason I switched the lights early and I'm glad I did 😀 the fc6500 are keeping everyone happy and I can see the difference using the new UR45 UV-IR bars the leaves are bigger and bigger leaves means more photosynthesis and better growth and health
Thank you Mars Hydro and Kannabia Seed Company
Mars-Hydro.com discount code " Cyrus "
I love the Sativa Dream, mine is producing lots of trichomes now, and buddy, it smells so good! Really like sweet orange jam! 🍊 😍 4 weeks to go gnnnhhhhh