Beginning of week two. So far so good, girls looking healthy. Some grow is noticeable everyday.
I will lower the Rh to 75%
Lamp will go to 35% with 30cm distance, if the girls will not stress too much.
Only pH water goes in.
Day 10 water with root agent and enzymes in
Day 12 pH 6.2 water plus enzymes in
Day 14 water 6.2 with half doze root agent, enzymes, and a bit propolis.
Firts LST
@HappyWeeds, indeed :) I Hope that loads of Nitrogen will not spoil forming flowers. I need to think about new soil mix. This one is so strong for auto's
@Majinstatic, no idea lol, it is just a a fat which hardens so would be good in chocolate. Could also put a spoonful in hot chocolate, the stuff is easy to infuse too!
@Majinstatic, sounds like a good plan! Currently I've got a few different oils, edibles are amazing, they last so long! We always have brownies in the freezer. Ever tried adding infused coconut oil to your chocolate instead of plant?
@PremiumBudsEU, They look promising, for my experience :D I'm still learning the soil I'm using, same as nutes,
Had to flush, and I hope I did not imbalance them.
Jajaja maravillosa descripción. Es bueno ver si el vigor se encuentra en las semillas de mejor tamaño ya que ayudaría realmente a especular espacios antes de la floración 🤞