Nothing but Calmag at a reduced rate, will drop it down even more to 1ml per gallon this coming week and probably just pH balanced RO water the week after that as it should be about harvest time by then. Very, very pungent smells that come from the tent, cant wait to give them a taste to see if that amazing smell transfers over well. That's about it as far as change, tried to get a good picture of each plants trichomes and this is the best I got through the phone and jewelers loop .. #1 and #2 are slightly more milky than #3 but those will be our determining factor for harvest, aiming for mostly white cloudy heads this grow.
Recien empezada la aventura, suerte con tu Gelato OG , si tienes tiempo puedes pasarte a ver mis diarios, ahora estoy con amnesia haze 12/12, una white widow en un mini pot y alguna cepa interesante mas 😃