Though I, unfortunately, neglected the diary during her last weeks, she was healthy and easy to grow until the end and I'm very happy with the harvest weight. Dried for about 4 days at ~45RH. Decided to dry-trim, leaving most of the leaves on her while drying due to the low RH. Was a bit of a pain to clean her compared to wet-trimming, but not terrible. Doing so definitely seems to cause more keif to accumulate in the tray, which I don't think is ideal, but probably negligible.
Final weight:
68g / ~2.4oz 🎉
Hope this diary has been helpful to someone out there! ✌️
I hope those aren't nanners in the last picture. Worried my bulk seed Trainwreck from NASC could be a boy one day and ruin things for me. It's listed as feminized on their site though.
I was also a bit worried after taking that pic but after recently harvesting my previous plant, which didn't have hermie issues, I noticed very similar growths on her. So I don't think it's harmful. Possibly just plump baby calyxes.
Edit: I think this is a good article about what we're seeing:
Looking real nice! I'm on my 1st ever grow and my seedlings sprouted just 6 days before yours. I'll let you know my fuck ups since I'm a week ahead 🤣
Enjoy it!