Thanks for stopping by!
Dec 13 - Day 15
Seems like a healthy start to the week. Just rotated after yesterday's feeding. Mixed 50% recommended veg ferts (~1/4 tsp 2L) for next feeding.
Dec 14 - Day 16
Fed with 500ml of what was mixed yesterday. Rotated.
Dec 15 - Day 17
Just resting. Rotated. New axillary branches can be seen forming. She's got a lean to her that I'll keep an eye on. Will likely keep her oriented so that reaching for the light will straighten her.
Dec 16 - Day 18
Fed with another 500ml of 50% recommended concentration.
Dec 17 - Day 19
Dec 18 - Day 20
Performed first bit of training with a pipe-cleaner hook and fed with another 500ml of 50% concentration. Moved quite a bit closer to lights as well, maybe about 18 inches away.
Dec 19 - Day 21
Temporarily reinforced stem by tying to a bamboo skewer that'll be removed as she grows. Also rearranged lights in hopes of a bit more efficient use of the smaller LED's.
I hope those aren't nanners in the last picture. Worried my bulk seed Trainwreck from NASC could be a boy one day and ruin things for me. It's listed as feminized on their site though.
I was also a bit worried after taking that pic but after recently harvesting my previous plant, which didn't have hermie issues, I noticed very similar growths on her. So I don't think it's harmful. Possibly just plump baby calyxes.
Edit: I think this is a good article about what we're seeing:
Looking real nice! I'm on my 1st ever grow and my seedlings sprouted just 6 days before yours. I'll let you know my fuck ups since I'm a week ahead 🤣
Enjoy it!