9.19.18 - Transplanted today. switching back to my 400watt HPS, Just going to supplement with the PAR450 L.E.D.
Big thanks to, grower_not_shower, for his help.
9.14.18 - Dunno if its cause this is my first LED grow or what but it is just taking forever for me to get any kind of action going from my sprout. My last few grows done under a 400 watt HPS by the third week I had attained my second node and had a nice sized girl going... I have no idea why this one is taking forever to do anything... hmmm. I have my dimming switches turned up correctly. blue100% white100% red 25%... Ive had this overwhelming feeling ever since I switched to LED that it just wouldnt grow a healthy plant like my HPS SunDevil would... Are my frightful thoughts coming true??? oh no!!! lol
Dunno... hopefully she blows up soon. Was really looking forward to these GDP's
9.7.18 - Keepin the cup moist with a wee bit of coconut water and a half cup of water every two days or so when it gets dry. Seems to be taking to this early feeding of just coconut water mixed with reg water... If you look you can even see a purple hint to her sucker leaves and her first set of leaves. Hopefully her two sisters will germ soon also. Going to transplant them all to my custom made patented MeowRoot Express Buckets, LOL!!
I personally only like transplanting once during there life span. From the dixie germ cup straight to my tall yellow buckets. I find its perfect for a sturdy root base with autos. Keep on the look out for updates. As I have been told the coconut water makes them blow up!
Do Not Hate, Educate and Cultivate!
Oh yes! Am definitely making a small batch of butter and yes they were quite frosty indeed!
Thanks for stopping by and dropping some nice sentiments.
Nice, I always wanted to do that experiment. If I were to make a bet I would say the LST one will yield better but will have smaller and more airy buds and the one left alone will yield less but will have bigger buds. Can't wait to see the results.
GDP #1, I will be LSTing quite a bit, this is the one I fimmed.
GDP#2, I will be leaving it completely alone. Aside from feeding and watering, I will not be doing anything special to this one. Just wanna grow it plain and simple. Kind of a little experiment to see the difference between the fimmed and LST'ed and this one that I do not do a damn thing too.
Thanks for the comment and like. As always any insight or suggestions are much appreciated. Can not and will not promise I will follow it but will definitely consider it depending on what it may be. grow and learn is what it is about for me.
Do Not Hate, Educate and Cultivate!
Nah, wattage declared on the blurple LEDs are bulshit. Your LED draws 200w so that's the real HPS equivalent. The only LEDs that declare real wattage are COB and QBs. QBs have so high PAR values they can replace double the wattage HPS, so 260w QBs can replace 500w HPS. You can get QBs from China quite cheap https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/2018-Newest-Samsung-561c-top-bin_60760624168.html?spm=a2700.galleryofferlist.normalList.24.129f572eQms9Ww. If I were you I would get that HPS on those plants as soon as possible and get more lights because those will need 300w each when in flower.