Start of week 4..over christmas I had an issue with the timer I just bought. I came home from my sister's house and the lights were still on. I'm not sure how long they were on for but I guess I didn't set the timer correctly and kept the on "switch" in the "on" position instead of the "timer" position. Essentially the lights were on for well over 12 hours. It was a bummer but I'm hoping it wasn't enough stress to herm any of the girls..We live and learn! Not to worried about this plant as she's very little and hasn't started producing any buds yet so I'm not too attached to her yet..the other girls on the other hand, I've put in too much work to screw this up now by not paying attention.
Overall this week was decent for growth. Not too sure how much growth happens when you are running 12/12 from seed.
Any advice is appreciated as always!!
Thank you everyone.