Neem oil has killed most of the thrips, think shes starting to flower still a little light green but shes growing again thats forsure. Have tried to clean up my backyard so theres less chance of a future bug infestasion
Check out end-all, From safers. Spray every 3 days up until week 1 flower. You really don't want to be spraying anything after that. Look into diatomaceous earth for your next grows, It is a life safer.
@BarneyRumble420, Barney mate greatly appreciate the seed 🤠💞 i hope I get some frosty buds like your diaries, you're definitely an inspiration man thanks for the comment 💪😀
Thank you for choosing our sweet and resistant to pests Cherry Dream 🍒 for your new growing.
From Kannabia we hope you enjoy very much its growth and get great results! Good luck and great green vibes! 😉🌱🙌💚
I can't wait to hear about all the success you have with Kannabia seeds. They are truly exceptional in quality and I have no doubt you'll have a great time with them.
Hola compa. Me parece que no es el calor lo que está ocasionando problemas ya que 27 grados no son suficientes para hacer daño, el aspecto es más bien por exceso de humedad en el sustrato y tal vez un poco de estrés acarreado por algún exceso que se puede notar en los bordes. Has hecho algún lavado de raíces? Tu sustrato tiene buen drenaje?
Has hecho un gran trabajo podando, espero que el problema de las plagas se solucione y como dijo LegacyMarketFarm, utilización de diatomeas es muy útil en esta etapa! 💪💪💪
hey, dude been looking at your diaries. In my opinion, you need to make sure your pots have holes in them they are suffocating. you will also notice nut def or lockout as no liquid can runoff causing a buildup at the bottom and poison the plants