
BOG Sour Bubble: BOG Bubble X BOG Bubble

2 years ago
Room Type
weeks 3
weeks 3, 5-9, 16
weeks 7-10
weeks 9-10
Coco Coir
Grow medium
Grow medium
12 L
Pot Size
Grow Conditions
Week 1
18 hrs
Light Schedule
10+ conditions after
2+ nutrients after
Commented by
AustinRon AustinRon
2 years ago
Week 0 - Germination SB4Q - BOG Sour Bubble (BOG Bubble BX3) Sour Bubble - BOG Seeds BOG Bubble BX3 (Cubed) (BOG Bubble x BOG Bubble) x (BOG Bubble) Seeds Wet: Start of Week: [ 2022-12-14, SB4Q 1:G:0:1] End of Week: [ 2022-12-20, SB4Q 7:G:0:7] GERMINATION: - 2022-12-16T14:25:51-0600 SOP: - WEAR CLEAN GLOVES FOR ALL SEED OPERATIONS - CLEAN All Instruments before AND after use - [ ] DARKHOURSflower := 12 - [x] Light Strengthveg := 200 + (#nodes * 67) # 5 Nodes, 200 + 335: 535 PPFD - [x] DARKHOURSveg := 6 - [x] Light Strengthseedling : [ 240, 5, PPFD] Equipment and Supplies - [x] Jiffy Pellet Grow box and Jiffy Pellets - [x] Seedling Mat & Thermostat - Setup up in Tent Environment - EC Targets rel | abs - ECseedling: 0.4 0.7 - ECearlyveg: 1.2 1.5 - EClateveg: 1.4. 1.7 - ECearlybloom: 1.2. 1.5 - EClatebloom: 1.5. 1.8 - ECripen: 0.9 1.2 - EC Incrementmax: [ 0.3, mS] - Germination (Week 0) - Seed Soak - Temp: 80-84°F - RH: 85% - Photoperiod: DARK - Towel Germination - Temp: 80-84°F - RH: 85% - Photoperiod: DARK - Jiffy Peats - Temp 78-82°F - RH: 85% - Photoperiod: 24/0 # Until Cotyledons are Open for 24 Hours - Seedling (Week 1-2) - Temp: 78-82°F - VPD: 0.85 ± 0.05 - Photoperiod: 18/6. # When Cotyledons Open - Light Strength Start: 200-300 PPFD - EC: 0.6 (0.2 + 0.2tap ) Seed Prep 1. Prepare Shop Towels for 13 Seeds (4x4 squares, in half, soaked in seed soak, saturate | NOT WET, fully wetted) 2. Seed & Jiffy Pellet Soak Solution - [x] Fresh Aloe Vera - [x] Ful-Power Fulvic Acid 3. Scuff (4 Shakes #400 Sandpaper Tube) # forgot! 4. Seed Soak 2022-12-14T12:40:25-0600: - [x] Soak Seeds (warm to ~80°F) w/ Ful-Power, Fresh Aloe Vera 2 Hours 4. Hydrate 10 Jiffy Pellets, in container, w/ Seed Soak solution, for planting in 24 — 36 Hours - [x] Done Prepare Paper Towels (<day>) - [x] Drain Excess Water From JPs - should be thoroughly saturated w/out being SOAKING WET - [x] Monitor Every 12 Hours until Tails are ~3/4” or less long THEN - [x] After Seed Soak - Lay Seed Radicle - POINT (non-abscission end) UP - [x] SQUEEZE OUT EXCESS WATER from seedling ‘mats’ - [x] Stack Vertically Around Jiffy Peat seedling tray ( seed edge up), soak with soak solution - [x] Shop Towel (Seedling Mats) - Fold Long side Twice, and cut length in Thirds ___________________________ Wednesday 14 December 2022 BSBQ4 0:G:1:0 Seed Soak: - [ ] Observe every 12 hours until radicle ~3/4” Long - [x] Set Humidifier to 82° F - [x] Arrange Seeds vertically around Jiffy Container, and Cover - [x] Place in Shop Towels - [x] 2 Hr Soak - [x] Ful-Power Fulvic Acids - [x] Fresh Aloe Vera Planting Radicle in Jiffy Peat - Cut 1/4” Slit from Center of Top of JP to Bottom - Sprinkle Great White Mycorrhizae IN hole, making sure some gets to bottom - Lay radicle across Great White to gently pick up some mycorrhizae directly - Insert RADICLE Tip Down, with seed heat JUST at the surface of the JP - Place JP in container, on Seedmat - When ROOTS emerge from JP < 1/4”, UP PLANT into 1 L propagation cells w/ Coco/Pumice _________________________ Thursday 15 December 2022 BSBQ4 1:G:1:2 2022-12-15T11:12:50-0600: - #1 - #13 - Awaiting Germination - #2 may be showing radicle under seed sheath, but NO changes otherwise. _________________________ Friday 16 December 2022 BSBQ4 2:S:1:3 2022-12-16T14:24:34-0600: - GERMINATION, #1 & #3 showing tails _____________________ Saturday 17 July 2022 SB4Q 4:G:0:4 2022-12-17T098:35:24-0600: - We’ve TAILS! - 9 of 13 Germinated and inserted in Jiffy Peats - We’ll continue germination of 2, 5, 12, 13 ∂: Lightperiod: [ 24, 0] - [ ] Prep 10 Propagation Cells: [ Coco, 80, % ], [ Pumice, 20, %] _____________________ Sunday 18 July 2022 BSBQ4 4:S:1:5 _____________________
Monday 19 July 2022 BSBQ4 5:S:1:6 Last 4 seeds dried overnight w/ Lights On. 9 Seedlings - [ ] TODAY Plant all JPs w/ ROOTS EMERGED - [ ] 9 1-L Propagation Cells - [ ] First Nutrients | The Rooted Leaf (Primer A, B, Silica Skin, CalMg Fuel), EC: [ 0.6, mS] Seedlings going forward to Propagation and Sex Testing - #1, #3, #4, #6, #7, #8. #9, #10, #11   Seeds didn’t make it - #2, #5, #12, #13 - “Remaining Seed Shop Towels dried: grower error” - [ ] Prep 8 x 1L propagation Cells - [x] Prep Seedling Mix. - [x] Gently press coco into Air Pot holes - hole filled w/ coco - [x] Mix 1 part of pumice (1 Gal) to 4 parts Pre-pared Coco Coir Create JP Size Hole in Prop Cell Sprinkle BioAg VAM in whole Place JP in Hole | Top of JP top of Coco Seedling Mix: # The Rooted Leaf Primer A: [ 2, ml, gal] Primer B: [2, ml, gal] Silica Skin: [ 1, ml, gal] CalMag Fuel: [ 1, ml, gal] ECtotal: [ 0.6, mS]. # Includeds 0.3 mS tap water mineralization _________ Tuesday 20 December 2022 - BSBQ4 6:S:1:7 - Adjusting Humidity Up after Transplant to 1 L, vpd ~ 0.85 ± 0.05 - Change Light Period: [ 0600, 0000 ] ____________________ Next Week Wed 21 December 2022 BSBQ4 7:S:2:1
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HAPPYWEEDScommentedweek 12 years ago
Good luck and happy growing mate 😃
AustinRoncommented2 years ago
Thans @HappyWeeds, I appreciate it!
MiyaguiOkPolillacommentedweek 112 years ago
Hermosa planta, muy buena calidad de trabajo y excelente seguimiento 👌🎩💐
AustinRoncommented2 years ago
Thank you @MiyaguiOkPolilla, I appreciate it!
AustinRoncommented2 years ago
Appreciate it, @MiyaguiOkPolilla, Cheers!
420DeepGrowcommentedweek 22 years ago
Que te salgan buenas flores y te diviertas con tu grow bro
AustinRoncommented2 years ago
Thanx @420DeepGrow, Appreciate it!