
BOG Sour Bubble: BOG Bubble X BOG Bubble

2 years ago
Room Type
weeks 3
weeks 3, 5-9, 16
weeks 7-10
weeks 9-10
Coco Coir
Grow medium
Grow medium
12 L
Pot Size
Grow Conditions
Week 11
12 hrs
Light Schedule
12+ conditions after
2+ nutrients after
Commented by
AustinRon AustinRon
2 years ago
Week 11 - Flower Week 5 SB4Q - BOG Sour Bubble (BOG Bubble BX2) Sour Bubble - BOG Seeds (BOG Bubble x BOG Bubble) Harvest Window: Early Harvest: 52 ± 5 Days (7.4 Flower Weeks) 8 - 18 March 2023 or Late Harvest: 84 ± 5 Days in Flower (12 Week Flowering) 7 - 17 April 2023 HeightWeekStartPlant1Plant2: [ 11, 14.5, in] HeightWeekEndPlant1Plant2: [ 11, 14.5, in] - Vertical Growth has Ceased Flower Week Start of Week: [ 2023-03-01, BSBQ4 77:F:12:1, 20:F:5:6] End of Week: [ 2023-03-07, BSBQ4 83:F:12:7, 26:F:6:5] HeightWeekStartPlant1: [ 11, in] HeightWeekStartPlant2: [ 13, in] HeightWeekEndPlant1: [ 11, in] HeightWeekEndPlant2: [ 13, in] Week’s Environment TempAvgMaxMin: [ x, y, z, °F] RHAvgMaxMin: [ x, y, z, %] VPDAvgMaxMin: [ x, y, z, kPa] LightDistance: [ 21.5, in] LightDimmer: [ 50 + 2 ticks, %] LightPPFD: [ 786, µmol/m2/s] # 2/3 the way to 1000 PPFD at the center ~r ReservoirTemperature: [ 56.5, ±1.5, °F] Fertigation The Rooted Leaf Hydro Chart: - [ Primer A, 8.6, ml, gal] - [ Primer B, 8.6, ml, gal] - [ Silica Skin, 4.3, ml, gal] - EC: 2.0 Fertigation The Rooted Leaf Hydro Chart: - [ Primer A, 28, ml, 3 gal] - [ Primer B, 28 ml, 3 gal] - [ Silica Skin, 13, ml, 3 gal] The Rooted Leaf Foliar Chart: Monday: Solar Rain: 20, ml, gal Silica Skin: 20, ml, gal Mammoth-P: [ 3, drops, pt] Wednesday: CalMag Fuel: 20, ml, gal Lush Green: 5, ml, gal Mammoth-P: [ 3, drops, pt] Friday: Solar Rain: 20, ml, gal Mammoth-P: [ 3, drops, pt] Peak Bloom: 5, ml, gal ___________________ Wed 01 March 2023 BSBQ4 77:F:12:1, 27:F:5:6 - Refresh Reservoir, amt: [ 3, gal], EC: [ 2.0, mS] - PrimerA: 10, ml, gal - PrimerB: 10, ml, gal - Silica Skin: 5, ml, gal - [x] Completed Week 10 Grow Diaries Thu 02 March 2023 BSBQ4 78:F:12:2, 28:F:5:7 - Defoliated Fans from Flower Clusters Fri 03 March 2023 BSBQ4 79:F:12:3, 29:F:6:1 Sat 04 March 2023 BSBQ4 80:F:12:4, 30:F:6:2 - Drop Humidifier to 66% - What to do? Having FAILED to sufficiently train these girls, they #1 is stunted, #10 is strong, but colas are within 1.5” of each other, which seems like a recipe for bud rot. - [x] Attempt Super-Crop one cola - IFF We can soften and bend, will consider the balance. If I break one, it will just make space. If I Can’t create space, this grow is compromised.
THIS AIN’T HAPPENING - If the stems were any stiffer, they’d explode! - [x] De-Leaf intra-colas until Harvest. ;-| The first available harvest date is in ~3 Weeks, @ ±52 Days in Flower - Will consider harvest then if struggling with Cola density. Recommended harvest is ±82 Days . . . Sun 05 March 2023 BSBQ4 81:F:12:5, 31:F:6:3 - Contemplating removing inner cola on #10. I imagine NO AIRFLOW for either plant as is. - On the positive front, #10’s inner leaves are flattening, after being in the dark for weeks (under the upper canopy). Mon 06 March 2023 BSBQ4 82:F:12:6, 32:F:6:4 EnvironmentHumidityTriggerLightPeriod: [ 69, %, RH] EnvironmentTemperatureTriggerLightPeriod: [ 81, °F] EnvironmentHumidityTriggerDarkPeriod: [ 64, %, RH] EnvironmentTemperatureDarkPeriod: [ 70, °F] Notes: - Did the Deed - Removed 1 Cola each plant, each was buried in the center of the (compressed) Canopy.         NOTE: - The Downward point of #1 continues - TODAY - Raise Light (Horizontal), Wednesday assess Response Tue 07 March 2023 BSBQ4 83:F:12:7, 33:F:6:5 - Trimmed a few Upper fans covering other colas, opening up airflow ____ Next Week ________ Wed 08 March 2023 BSBQ4 84:F:13:1, 34:F:6:6 - [ ] Response to Raised Light #1 Thu 09 March 2023 BSBQ4 85:F:13:2, 35:F:6:7 Fri 10 March 2023 BSBQ4 86:F:13:3, 36:F:7:1 Sat 11 March 2023 BSBQ4 87:F:13:4, 37:F:7:2 Sun 12 March 2023 BSBQ4 88:F:13:5, 38:F:7:3 Mon 13 March 2023 BSBQ4 89:F:13:6, 39:F:7:4 Tue 17 March 2023 BSBQ4 90:F:13:7, 40:F:7:5
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HAPPYWEEDScommentedweek 12 years ago
Good luck and happy growing mate 😃
AustinRoncommented2 years ago
Thans @HappyWeeds, I appreciate it!
MiyaguiOkPolillacommentedweek 112 years ago
Hermosa planta, muy buena calidad de trabajo y excelente seguimiento 👌🎩💐
AustinRoncommented2 years ago
Thank you @MiyaguiOkPolilla, I appreciate it!
AustinRoncommented2 years ago
Appreciate it, @MiyaguiOkPolilla, Cheers!
420DeepGrowcommentedweek 22 years ago
Que te salgan buenas flores y te diviertas con tu grow bro
AustinRoncommented2 years ago
Thanx @420DeepGrow, Appreciate it!