Alot has happened this past week. I have decided to take out several plants this week. While taking expression traits into account, my decisions were easier to take. Something makes me feel like I still took a shot in the dark but this has made my experience more enjoyable. Only way to know for sure is to put them in flower.
In the meanwhile the ones left have been transplanted into 15 liter pots. Its been a couple of days and I decided to take one more plant out of the run and a defol which can be seen on the last photo on 26/03.
The main reason to why I’ve added topping as a training method is because I have noticed some plants topped themselves. Or this may have been unintentional.
I’ve decided to supercrop 1 plant, which was the biggest and quickest growing. She was the first one to show preflowers. She has been recovering well. This is the plant in the back, right side.
Amazing work brother !!
Also good thing with leaving popcorn buds for hash or whatever later on -not worth the work & smoke.
Cant wait for your next run.