

Approved by Fast Buds
2 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 3
20 hrs
Light Schedule
Day Air Temperature
10+ conditions after
4+ nutrients after
Commented by
LegacyMarketFarm LegacyMarketFarm
2 years ago
EPISODE 25 - Week 3 Veg & THE SCHWAZZE : Make sure to head over to Mars Hydro for all your tent's & lights. Use our affiliate link & help support Legacy Market Farm! Grow along with us, With the same seeds, Same gear! GROW TENTS, LIGHTS, EQUIPMENT - SEEDS - January 14th 2023 - These ladies have really begun to catch up nicely now, They have been F.I.M'ed directly after these photos where taken & will be seen in the next set of pictures. Par staying steady as the plants grow up into it now. First big feed tomorrow planned with the main tent. January 15th 2023 - Today is feed day for both tent's they will be receiving their first introduction feed to their VEG program. Weekly set-points remain the same! PER 10 GALLONS MICRO - 45ML GROW - 50ML BLOOM - 45ML ROOT BUILDER - 40ML RAPIDSTART - 10ML CALMAG - 1/8th TSP x5 BVITAL - 1/8th TSP x5 PPM : 875 - 900 MAX PH : 6.1 TEMP : 68F January 16th 2023 - These ladies are really taking off now & responding to their F.I.M very well. The FC-E4800 from MARS HYDRO is putting out all the PAR these plants can take and they are loving it. Distance management & light proximity made easy with their low thermal output! January 17th 2023 -These ladies are happily vegging along & putting a lot of energy into growing their new apex growth sites to replace the F.I.M'ed off top's. I can't wait to see how these continue to develop! January 18th 2023 - The Blue Dream Auto's from FastBuds under our MARS HYDRO FC-E4800 are thriving. They have not shown any pre flower traits witch is good as they are far to small yet to enter into flowering stage. I am hoping these bush out fairly nice & allow me to train them through the net when the time comes. This tent will be all about maximizing our yield from only 6 plants through light proximity, Par management & plant training techniques. January 19th 2023 - No signs of pre-flower yet on these ladies as they continue to veg strong. I went ahead and did the double F.I.M experiment on all the fastbuds Blue Dream auto's in this tent to hopefully maximize our output from only 6 plants. I feel with this light making PAR management and proximity management easy due to the low amount of heat that the MARS HYDRO FC-E4800 puts off, Means that with some practice I feel this light could put out very high efficiency gram per watt ratios. I am excited to see what it can do with 6 autoflowers & then higher plant counts in the future after this crop when we switch to photoperiods, Clones & beds. January 20th 2023 - Today these blue dream auto's where SCHWAZZED along side the main tent, Not much needed to be taken off these ladies as they are still a little behind. Tomorrow is going to be a WATER for all the plants.
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LegacyMarketFarmcommentedweek 22 years ago
EPISODE 24 - Week 2 Veg :The F.I.M & Aggressive Lighting explained :
LegacyMarketFarmcommentedweek 12 years ago
EPISODE 22 - The Second Tent :
LegacyMarketFarmcommentedweek 72 years ago
387 Subscribers on youtube! Help push us to 400!!
LegacyMarketFarmcommented2 years ago
@Grow4Releaf, Thanks so much for your positivity my man. I cannot wait for these ladies to begin swelling and ripening! It is going to be an exciting harvest :)
Grow4Releafcommented2 years ago
@LegacyMarketFarm, getting there man !! CONGRATS 👏🏻 👏🏻 Hope all is going well for you over there !! Thanks again for your time man, much appreciated. Making a huge difference already !!!
LegacyMarketFarmcommentedweek 42 years ago
Need nutrients ? Grab some Green Planet & Grow along just like Legacy Market Farm ! Use our coupon code for 10% off! COUPON : legacymarketfarm10
LegacyMarketFarmcommentedweek 22 years ago
January 13th 2023 - These blue dream auto's from fastbuds have now begun to grow quite nicely under this Mars Hydro FC-E4800. We have lowered the light down slightly today to raise the PAR on the plant's to the mid 600's to begin week 3 and really crank up the DLI and growth output. The lateral growth is now starting to show and these ladies are ready to F.I.M tomorrow!
LegacyMarketFarmcommentedweek 22 years ago
290 Subscribers on our youtube! Thank you all who have joined us over there as well and helped us build it up this far. If you have not already make sure to head over and subscribe ! Help us reach the landmark of 300 subscribers. Our first autoflower tutorial series is completed & ready to view our second series is releasing live every sunday-monday right now, Join us!
LegacyMarketFarmcommentedweek 32 years ago
EPISODE 25 - Week 3 Veg & THE SCHWAZZE :
LegacyMarketFarmcommentedweek 32 years ago
Find us on Twitter! @LegacyMrketFarm
LegacyMarketFarmcommentedweek 12 years ago
EPISODE 23 - Week 1 Veg & The sunset technique :
LegacyMarketFarmcommentedweek 22 years ago
January 9th 2023 - Raised power output on light to up the PAR to low 600. This will also help raise the plant top temperature in this tent as it is harder to keep it at temperature with no heater in it and the single light. These ladies are finally beginning to show some growth so hopefully they did not get stunted by their overly long stay in the peat pucks. I am hoping they will be ready for their F.I.M sometime next week.
LegacyMarketFarmcommentedweek 72 years ago
EPISODE 29 - Week 3 Flower Plant Life Care :
LegacyMarketFarmcommentedweek 62 years ago
EPISODE 28 - Week 2 flower : THE FINAL SCHWAZZE :
LegacyMarketFarmcommentedweek 52 years ago
EPISODE 27 - Week 1 Flower : SCHWAZZE & FEED :
LegacyMarketFarmcommentedweek 42 years ago
EPISODE 26 - Week 4 Veg & C02 Explained :
LegacyMarketFarmcommentedweek 72 years ago
LegacyMarketFarmcommentedweek 82 years ago
EPISODE 30 - Week 4 flower : Beneficial Environmental Stresses :
LegacyMarketFarmcommentedweek 102 years ago
@Fast_buds What is the genetics in this strain? How close is it to the clone only Santa cruz blue dream clone cut ?
LegacyMarketFarmcommented2 years ago
@Sider79, Got the photoperiod version favorited.
LegacyMarketFarmcommented2 years ago
@Sider79, Thank you! This one is going to be part of my pursuit of the best blue dream genetics in seed form. Being one of my all time favorites ( Clones / Cuts ) I want to hunt down the best representation of it in seed form.
Sider79commented2 years ago
LegacyMarketFarmcommentedweek 122 years ago
EPISODE 34 - Week 8 Flower Plant Life Care :
LegacyMarketFarmcommentedweek 142 years ago
* NEXT UP OUR MOTHER PLANT PHENO HUNT SERIES BEGINS * This is it you guys, We are moving onto photoperiods and beginning our journey into finding the best strains we want to represent our menu when it comes time to launch to market. This is a journey we will be sharing with all of you. The first set of genetics we will be using are as follows - Exotic Animal ( Exotic Seed ) - Purple Shot ( Exotic Seed ) - Lava Freeze ( Super Sativa Seedclub ) - Creamy Kee's ( Super Sativa Seedclub ) - Strawberry Cookies ( Super Sativa Seedclub ) - Boy Scout Cookies ( kalashnikov seeds ) - Black Apple Hitchcock ( TH Seeds ) - Altar Bread ( Cannarado Genetics ) - Lambs Breath X AK-49 ( Vision Seeds ) - Polaris ( Nukka Seeds ) - Blue Dream ( Seedsman ) - Violator Kush ( Barneys Farm ) - Ragekiller Tuna ( Charles Scott ) - Petrolia Headstash ( Charles Scott ) - Frosted Guava ( Original Sensible Seeds ) - Jungle Lava ( Original Sensible Seeds ) - Alien Moonrocks ( Original Sensible Seeds ) - Stinkin Bishop ( Original Sensible Seeds ) - Sugar Cane ( In House Genetics ) We will be vegging the plants out in individual bags, Then we will be cloning off of each plant and keeping those clones under 24/7 light cycle using low PAR level's & low VPD to keep them growing slow while we flower out the plants they came from. After flower is complete & we have reviewed the finished product from each parent plant, We will then decide which clones will be vegged out into mom's and which clones we will get rid of. We will be repeating this process until we find the absolute strongest genetics we have to represent our menu. This is going to be a long process with multiple grows before we are satisfied with our roster of strains. I hope you all will enjoy this adventure together as we shape the future of Legacy Market Farm's menu for all you future customers of ours!
LegacyMarketFarmcommented2 years ago
@Sider79, This stuff is AMAZING. We had it 1 time from a grey market distributor and fell in love, Glad to have the seeds & now able to grow it ourselves!
Sider79commented2 years ago
@LegacyMarketFarm, Creamy Kee's ( Super Sativa Seedclub🙏🙏🙏🙏
LegacyMarketFarmcommented2 years ago
@Sour_D, Thank you bro! Any that are not 100% an absolute banger representation of the strain the seed is from we will not be keeping the parent plant and starting another seed in its place. So we will be looking for the best of the absolute best.
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LegacyMarketFarmcommentedweek 122 years ago
* EDIT * As of April 2nd 2023 the final 2 Blue Dream Auto's by fastbuds where yanked. The quality of the buds are amazing, The yield could have been much better. Being new to autoflowers & trying to force bigger yields per plant I over trained these & trained them too late into flower for sure. If I am to ever return to autoflowers again & take what I have learned to do a 3rd and final series this would be one key factor moving forward to apply.