The Apple Fritter is plumping up and ripening as we head into the home stretch.
She's looking a little beat up due to ongoing PH imbalances in her rez. I've been battling my equipment with my PH pen giving me issues and inconsistent readings. I've since replaced the probe and I have her in a happy range again. I gave her another 24 hour flush last week and she's been feeding normally since.
More news next week. Thanks for tuning in ✌️
Nice, she's looking lovely! Awesome root growth and bud development🙌 I'll for sure be following along in your grow, I'm only a week or so behind you in my own first grow but definitely not gotten my lady to the same size yet!
@StunFlower, Haha yeah she looks like it! and thank you, I'm hoping she'll turn out good! I went through some of your old diaries and must say you've grown some beautiful girls👏