Hi guys ! 😊 Sorry for the late update. It's harvest time ! Could have gone another week or so with the skunks but mould is a serious problem outdoors where we live... Plus the plants are falling over 😂 The cream caramel is dry and curing in the jars, we are now harvesting the 3 skunk plants over a few days period. I will do a real harvest update when dry in around 10 days 😊 I have added a photo of the first skunk harvested so far.
Thanks for coming by !
Happy growing 😊🌱
Silas & The old man
@Larimar, Oh yeah, so short flowering, mould resistant etc... Growing outdoors can be complicated some times in the northen hemisphere due to weather.. I know because my country is close to yours haha.
@Will_journals, Your welcome man ! I thought it would be nice to show that when you are passionate about something, no matter the age, you get good results 😊
Keep doing what you’re doing dude, love this grow, love your other grows and love your enthusiasm and charisma dude !
So sick !! Keep it up it’s inspiring !!