Harvest in December. It haven't been a big plant but she got wonderful colors at the end of the bloom. Really good odor and taste. Ive been a month processing all the photos ive made, here you can check it.
Ha sido una buena experiencia esta green gelato, se alargó algo más de lo previsto debido a que empecé tarde. A finales de la 11a semana empezó a coger un color morado mu bonito, así que tuve que hacerle unas buenas fotos. La planta en si no era gran cosa, lo que se vio reflejado en la cosecha, que solo me dio un producto final de flor de 19 gramos. Poco pero muy rico, hasta las hojas del trimming huelen bien. Estoy contento con el sabor de esta cepa, a frutas y tierra, combinado con cítrico no muy fuerte y con un efecto relajante muy agradable.
Pido disculpas por el exceso de fotos en general y en concreto de las hojas algunos cogollos, era muy bonito y tenia que quedar registrado.
Al final hice unas caligrafias en pegatinas y se la puse al bote de cristal.
It has been a good experience this green gelato, it went longer than expected because I started late. At the end of the 11th week he started to take a very nice purple color, so I had to make some good pictures. The plant itself was not a big deal, which was reflected in the harvest, which only gave me a final flower profusion of 19 grams. Little but very rich, even the leaves of the trimming smell good. I am happy with the taste of this strain, not very strong and with a very pleasant relaxing effect.
I apologize for the excess of photos in general and in particular of some buds and leaves, it was very beautiful and had to be registered.
At the end I made some calligraphies on stickers and put it on the glass jar.