What I thought was a calcium deficiency ended up being manganese, Switched from TPS nutrients to lotus bloom because of the additional manganese in lotus. I was able to correct it in the white widow before it showed major signs of manganese deficiencies, The Bruce Banger on the other hand showed a lot of discoloration and on top of that the BB didn't like the change in nutrients and got nutrient lockout for about 3 days. Paused the nutrients on BB giving only ph. balanced water for 3 days and reintroduced lotus bloom by diluting nutrient water with ph balance tap water two-to-one.
@SackShopG, oooh I can’t wait for that diary, I have peyote gorilla seeds and I just didn’t choose to grow them this time. They were in my top three though. I gotta look up these yoda soda seeds. 😃