[Day 20]
•After the first feeding, i upped the cal-mag at the next feeding just little bit but that was enough to cause some problems.
•They did not like it 😅The morning after the watering i had some leaf edges pointing down indicating nitrogen toxicity. Flushed the soil, one day later they were in better condition. Even though it wasnt too bad the damage is done. I stunted her little bit.
🌱Happy Growing🌱
Dude, your grow is spot on. 2 tips that make all the difference. You'll be able to increase your yeild loads by starting in your final pot and use bigger pots for auto's. They will grow to their pot size. I use 50 litre pots and pull 8 to 12 oz / plant
@Microgrow2020, thanks bro 🙏🙏 This girl was actually my first time trying to transplant an auto to a bigger pot. I always start them in 20L, their final pot. Wanted to experiment a little 😅. I will definately try 50L. Thanks for the tips bro i apreciate it 🙏🌱