The first girl is hanging drying , but the second girl marches on. I'm starting to see some amber in her trichomes but there is still a while ago before she is ready. Maybe another week...?
Nothing to report except that I will be out of town for a few days, so the girl will be on her own.
I went out of town for a few days, and of course, something fucked up while I was gone. About eight hours after I left, I noticed that temps and humidity spiked in the tent and remained at those levels. The only logical explanation was that the exhaust fan had stopped working for some reason.
The temp was around 28 degrees with 77% humidity during lights-on and 23 degrees with 84% humidity during lights-off.
High heat plus high humidity in late flower can quickly lead to budrot. Fuuuuuuu...
There wasn't much I could do from afar except remotely kill all power to the tent, which would solve the problem with high temps because the lights would be off. However, it would also worsen the humidity problem and shut down the circulation fans in the tent.
Ultimately, I opted to keep everything on and hope for the best.
I came home 55 hours later and rushed to the tent. It was humid and hot, like a jungle in the tent, with lots of condensed water on the walls. I wiped down everything with paper towels to soak up the excess water and then placed a large tower fan to blow full force into the tent for a couple of hours.
It turned out that the AC Infinity Control unit had fallen down and yanked out the cable to the fan.
Great, something works flawlessly for months, only to break down when I'm out of town.
I've inspected most of the buds, and I haven't seen any signs of budrot yet. So maybe I've gotten lucky...
I decided to cut her today due to all of this. If there's some budrot, it'll have less time to spread, and I'll be able to save more of the harvest. (Hopefully.)
She was showing more amber by the day so it was just about time anyway.
I hung her whole to dry, not that there's much to her than buds and stalks anyway. It'll be the easiest trim job ever.
Now we wait two weeks, hoping that the mold demons stay away.
@MrGrowthSpurt, Thank you! The plants might look healthy now, but there were struggles in the first few weeks due to the top dressing I applied. Lessons learned!
@StarLorr, I hope so. I don't have much experience in dealing with nutrient issues, so I'm feeling a bit lost, to be honest. Oh well, it will be a learning experience ;)
Plants are simply too happy in your tents, they don't want to stop growing.
I never knew it's enough to put the mites in a sachet and hang them on the plant 😳 how do they get out?
@kohlrabi, They are so happy that I'm considering playing death metal to them. That should mellow them out.
There's a small hole in each sachet, and the mites will venture out over a period of time.