The girls is back on track and looking healthy. They like the new conditions.
Soon getting ready to explode in growth. 🤘💚 The pictures are taken 24 hours from each other.
Very nice genetics, that's for sure.
Regarding my Light situation. I finally got in contact with Mars hydro. The only thing that they could offer, was a discount on buying a new light. Because the driver was out of stock. 🙃 Even though the guarantee states the you can get components provided.
It's not possible for me right now to buy anything.
So I'm using half a tsw 2000 and 2 Cob LEDs 60 w. 🙂 Gonna ad some more lights further on. So it's gonna be a jungle of lights. 😂
Happy Growing 💚
Good luck.
I planted Blue Mammoth automatic (Barney's) on 2 occasions. The plants were phenomenal. Good yield, beautiful flowers, good quantity. 80 days from seed to harvest.
I am interested in this new combination at Orion.