Growing fast but not too leggy. Will be topping in 5 days. Same watering, and lighting schedule as the first week. I will be adding cal-mag and a pinch of Epsom salt next week as the soil I am using does lack in salts. I added worm castings I purchased from Home Depot to the water and made a worm poo tea to add some extra nutes and biologicals. They seem to be doing wonders as I've not had such fast growth in as short a time. I also started playing some classical music during the light cycle so between the worm castings and the music I am diggin the improved growth.
Nice setup! Have fun this round. I also use warm castings tea in my hydro when I have ph drops. Works wonders, nice to see it works for you as well.
The classical music I still need to try 😂
Nice setup! Have fun this round. I also use warm castings tea in my hydro when I have ph drops. Works wonders, nice to see it works for you as well.
The classical music I still need to try 😂
@RedEyedSmoker, Thanks :) I've not tried the music in the 13 years I've been growing before so it will be interesting to see what happens. It does seem to be making a difference but only in the slightest. I am not a huge fan of Classical music so it's kind of irritating to listen to when I'm in the grow room but if it does anything for the plants I can put up with it.
@yan402, Yeah tell me about it. I love this strain. I've never had such great results with any other of my grows. Well actually a few years back I had a similar grow with Northern Lights. So I have very high hopes for a huge yield on this one.