The harvest song : Marlon Asher - Ganja farmer
This time it will be a 2 parts review , a growing part and a smoke test ✌️
Grow review :
Gp#1 - Was strong from the start , grew with big leaves and a Xmas tree shape. She grew vigorously and was really resilient to transplant. Very resistant , even If I had a bit of bud rot it was with a 70% relative humidity level and with more than 2 weeks of constant rain so if you have the same conditions you can go with this strain 😁👍
Gp#2 - She had a genetic mutation and just after the 2nd node she started to grew with 2 apex so that's why she was more bushy and less tall than her sister.
Smoke test(s) :
Gp#1 - This phenotype is the more tasty , the taste is like a fruit between a pineapple and a mandarine mixed with lime and thin mint all together.
The mint taste is more powerfull when you exhale and you feel something spicy in the taste.
It clearly smells weed so it's better to smoke it in a safe place , if you like to smoke outside then be careful.
The effect is a perfect mix between a high and a stone. The stone is the 1st effect you can feel but soon after the talkative and uplifted high comes to put you in a good mood. Perfect for daytime.
Gp#2 - The taste is similar to the 1st one but less fruity and more pugnant like a skunk, more spicy and without any mint taste.
The effect are similar to the Gp#1 with a bigger stone.