Finally a happy week of growing! After the flush, things have definitely bounced back well. I've also cut the nutrients by nearly half to get the appropriate TDS and EC levels. Healthy leaves now outnumber the leaves that were affected by the lockout. The ladies have nearly doubled in size since last week and the smell has notably increased. I went to my local hydroponics store and got black tubing for my water chiller, as the translucent tubing that came with it was growing algae. The plan is to get the "Aeromixer" for my reservoir to aerate the water/nutrients more and assist me in the mixing process. I'm also gonna pick up a tankless RO system I've been eyeing 😍.
I also decided to add some stones to the grow environment to encourage the ladies along 💗
@@ThickHotChocolate, haha I must of been high when commenting haha, I'd definitely like to get me some of that thick hot chocolate you got there girl 🔥😍🧡
Quite stressed but the ladies seem ok... Good catch with the TDS thing if nurtured right you should pull outta that look just stay vigilant 🤞 groW luck.