D71/F27 - 10/06/23 - Added Nutes and water, EC 1 and pH 5.0
D72/F28 - 11/06/23 - Nothing to report
D73/F29 - 12/06/23 - Added Nutes and water, EC 0.8 and pH 5.3
D74/F30 - 13/06/23 - Nothing to report
D75/F31 - 14/06/23 - Added Nutes and water, EC 0.9 and pH 5.3
D76/F32 - 15/06/23 - 👉Changed Water. Some signals on the leafes. I think it is because of heat but I0m going to ask to the community.
D77/F33 - 16/06/23 - I've asked to the community and is heat stress, so I'm going to change the light hours to 12/24 (4 only red ligh and 8 red-white)
Really nice and I started a Nora diary completely before I seen this. I guess stop by. But for starters the branch work is very pro im almost 20 months into doing it and nothing I grew did that. Monster Mutant Roots 👍👍