D92/F48 - 01/07/23 - 👉👉👉 First Havest, I cutted the main buds and left the others for one more week. Now I'm going to put only the timelapse video and then all details in the next week
D93/F49 - 02/07/23 - Secondary grow with flushing
D94/F50 - 03/07/23 - Secondary grow with flushing
D95/F51 - 04/07/23 - Secondary grow with flushing
D96/F52 - 05/07/23 - Secondary grow with flushing
D97/F53 - 06/07/23 - Secondary grow with flushing
D98/F54 - 07/07/23 - Secondary grow with flushing
Really nice and I started a Nora diary completely before I seen this. I guess stop by. But for starters the branch work is very pro im almost 20 months into doing it and nothing I grew did that. Monster Mutant Roots 👍👍