25.05 As can be seen in the attached images, they are not ready to be switched yet. They still need another week. I have spread them across the entire surface of the tent and turned on the second lamp. I set them at 40% power, applied Soil Attack, a minimal dose of Nitrogen using Organic Grow BAC, and liquid mycorrhizae. This time, I adjusted the pH to 5.9 using an organic pH regulator. By the end of the week, I will remove four more plants, keeping a total of 25. Unfortunately, I will have to leave again for a week, which I'm concerned about because all the efforts might go to waste. :P. Keep your fingers crossed for the success of this cultivation!
Wszystkich polskojęzycznych obywateli planety ziemia zapraszam na serwer Breedbros na discordzie o uprawie!
27.05 Today, I added homemade NPK 10-8-10 fertilizer tablets to my plants - two tablets on each side of the stem, 5 cm away from it. From now on, I will only water them until the end. After switching, I will also introduce mycorrhizae and provide foliar feeding. Depending on how the flowers develop, I might consider adding a bloom stimulator.
30.05 I;m waiting to the end of the week and switch them on 12/12